Need to Know

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Jeph had insisted that Andy stay another night, so Dante drove him to his house and dropped him off so that he could do what he needed/wanted to before coming back for the rest of the night.

"Go get ready for bed, Jepha," Dante told him.

"I don't wanna go to sleep, D! I wanna draw and stuff with Batman until Daddy comes back." He pushed out his lower lip in a pout.

"Put on your pajamas first, okay?"

Jeph sighed. "Fine."

I smiled and finished picking up the wrapping paper in the hallway when Dante appeared next to me.

"Hey," I said, moving to throw away the crumpled paper.


"Wait!" Jeph yelled, running out with his footie pajamas half on and tearing off some of the wrapping paper. "Okay, you can throw it away now."

"Another Christmas scrapbook?" I asked.

"Yep. Aunt Sammi's gonna bring me copies of her pictures in a couple of days." He smiled wide and then ran back to the studio.

"So, anyway..." Dante muttered. I could see his cheeks turning a light shade of red.


"I...I've been thinking..about things..and I.." His voice faltered and he looked away.

"Actually, I've been thinking about things, too. I just..." I struggled to find the words, but Dante got to them before I did.

"I just need to know," He said, moving forward before I had much time to process anything.

He leaned down a little and pressed his lips against mine.

I understood what he meant by he needs to know.

It was pleasant; Dante isn't a bad kisser.

But it wasn't...passionate or anything. It wasn't full of love; didn't have much of a spark.

...It wasn't Andy.

He pulled away and looked at me before laughing, relieved. "I'm not in love with you."

I hugged him, feeling just as relieved. "I'm not in love with you, either."

There was a knock at the front door and Dante and I went to open it together, still smiling.

Andy was standing there, looking as good as ever in a leather jacket, fresh black jeans with his Misfits tee that I still loved even after all these years, and a small backpack slung over his shoulder.


I'm not so sure about this chapter...I don't know what to think. Tell me what YOU think, please? ^-^ Oh, also, I just wanted to let you know that I've been having major mood swings lately where my confidence goes skyrocketing and then plummets to a horrible death and I hate everything that I do, etc. It sucks. You guys make me feel better, though, soo.. Comment, tell me what you think, and you don't have to say it's good if you don't really think that. Okay. Just wanted to say that. Alright. ♥

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