Robin PJ's

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“It’s great to be  back on tour with you all,” I grinned at them, and they all looked up and smiled at us. “But I’m going to unpack and see if there’s any way to wear Jepha out before bedtime. Also, I can’t even begin to thank you guys for the rooms! I owe you…”

“It’s cool; go wear him out, dude,” Zac laughed at me. “We’ll still be here for the next two months. You can make it up to us around Christmas. We hold the celebration at your place.”

“Okay, deal,” I agreed, then Jeph and I went to the back room.

I closed my door behind me and went to unpack as Jeph tugged off his jacket and stared at me for a moment.

“Will you get my Robin pajamas, Mom?” He asked, smiling sweetly.

“You know you’ve got a bit before bed…”

“Please?” He made the adorable puppy eyes that Frank had taught him how to perfect.

“Fine,” I said, knowing full well that he would be asleep in a matter of minutes, despite any protest I had.

I got his pajamas, and he got dressed and ready for bed.

I tucked him in and he curled up, sighing contentedly.

“I like this bed,” He whispered tiredly.

“I can tell. Sleep well, Jepha,” I kissed his forehead and went back into my room to unpack and sleep.

The first show was in two days.


I'm uploading another chapter today since I am not totally sure when I'll have access to the computer again.

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