Blast from the Past

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Rain, Dante and I were sitting in the living room talking while Jeph slept.

We were laughing at memories and old stories.

“Oh my god, Andy do you remember-” Dante started, but my phone rang.

“One second,” I muttered, still smiling. I looked at my screen and saw a number that I didn’t recognize. I stood up and walked into the kitchen, motioning for Dante and Rain to continue.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Andy?” Said a familiar voice. “Andy, it’s Juliet.”

I was shocked into silence.

“Andy?” She repeated.

“Uh,” I forced out words. “Do you need something? I’m spending time with my family right now.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry to bother you, but we really need to talk…”

I was confused. “About what?”

“Well, see, I tried to get a hold of you ten years ago, remember? I asked if we could talk?”

“Yeah, I remember.” And I did, but I didn’t know why it would matter now.

“There was something really important I needed to tell you, and I still do, but I don’t think that I should do it over the phone. Is there a way we could meet up at some point?”

“Um…” I glanced into the living room where the love of my life sat laughing with one of our closest friends. “I guess so…” I said reluctantly.

“Great! When works for you?”

I thought about Jeph, asleep and sick upstairs. I needed to be here for him until he got better.

“Maybe this weekend? I’ve been really pre-occupied with some top priority matters that are ongoing for an undetermined amount of time…” I told her, choosing my words carefully.

“Okay, that works. Hope to see you soon.”

I hung up and wandered back into the living room.


Who thinks they know what she wants to tell him?

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