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After I had called Juliet back and let her know, I got Jeph dressed and gave him his last dose of medicine.

He took it with a disgusted look on his face and then ran to go put his shoes on and grab Batman.

I locked the door behind us with the key Rain had given me.

We started walking.

“Who are we meeting?” Jeph asked, grabbing a hold of my hand.

I smiled down at him. “An old friend of mine…An ex girlfriend.”

“Oh. It’s not a date, though, right?”

“Definitely not. I love your mom with all of my heart and soul.” I told him.

“Good. Because I don’t want you to go out of our lives…”

“Never. Juliet just wants to talk to me about something.” I said, completely forgetting that I had said Juliet’s name in the story that I had been telling him.

He nodded in thought. “Are you nervous?”

I sighed as we turned onto another block, into the Arts District. “Yes.”

He nodded again and then asked, “Can we go to the art museum after, Daddy?”

“Anything you want,” I promised. The Starbucks was in our line of view and people were milling about doing there usual business and getting coffee.

I took a deep breath and Jeph and I pushed into the store.

We looked around for Juliet, and it took me a second to recognize her. She was sitting at a booth in the corner of the shop, writing something in a notebook.

Her hair was back to blond and she had taken her wardrobe down a notch. Instead of hats and flashy clothing, she was wearing a simple grey ALL shirt and blue jeans.

“Is that her?” Jeph asked, looking up at me.

“Yeah, that’s Juliet.”

“She’s pretty, but not as pretty as Mommy.”

“Not nearly as pretty as Mommy,” I agreed.

We made our way over to the booth.

She looked up at us and after a second, smiled.

“Andy! It’s been so long, I almost didn’t recognize you!” Her smiled flickered a tiny bit as she spotted Jeph, who still had my hand in a death grip.

“Yes, well, hi.” I said uncomfortably, helping Jeph climb up into the booth seats. I sat next to him and he grabbed one of the kid’s coloring books and a small pack of crayons.

She glanced at Jeph and then raised an eyebrow at me.

“He’s my son.” I said.

“I thought he was Rain Moore’s son.”

I found it a little odd that she knew this information. “Yeah, he is. So what did you want to tell me?”

“That makes sense. He’s just like you.” She said, ignoring my question.

She looked over my shoulder and her smile widened.

A young girl, definitely around 10, appeared out of no where, holding a cookie about the size of her head. “Mom, look!”

“Andy, I’d like you to meet Alyssa,” She said, moving over so that the girl could sit down. “our daughter.”

Oh god. “Um. I, um, bathroom,” was all I could manage before running to the bathroom and throwing up in the nearest stall.

Jeph followed me and watched worriedly as I threw up everything I’d ever consumed.

“Are you okay, Daddy?” He asked after I’d stopped throwing up and gone to the sinks to wash my mouth out.

“Let’s head over to the museum,” I said. All I could think was that I needed to call Rain.

We walked back out to the main part of the store.

“Is everything alright?” Juliet asked as we returned.

“Uh, I’ll call you tomorrow or something, we have to go.”

She frowned. “Andy, is something wrong? I mean, I know it’s a surprise, but-”

We have to go. Come on, Jepha.” I said, leading him out of the shop.


Alright, popular opinion was to update again. :) Who thinks Juliet is lying? Who thinks she doesn't really know who the father is? Who thinks something else about it all? Comment and let me know. I love reading your opinions and stuff. They make my day awesome. :)

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