As The World Falls...Down..

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I walked into the kitchen a few minutes later, hearing a completely different tune than that of My Chemical Romance.

It was like walking straight into a movie.

I could hear kids laughing in the next room, and the kitchen was full of adults moving around and preparing food.

Gerard Way was standing at the stove with Rain, smiling and singing along to David Bowie with everyone else, and putting two types of turkey into the oven. It surprised me how large the kitchen was.

Jeph was sitting on the island in the middle of the kitchen and grinning around him at everyone who was dancing and cooking. I didn't even stop to wonder why he wasn't with what sounded like all of the other kids.

I heard a familiar tune and watched as Jeph's grin grew even larger, Dante smiled at Rain, Jinxx grabbed Sammi and twirled her around a little, Frank and Gerard found their way to each other, Raven and Asher danced around together, laughing and singing along. Everybody was twirling around and singing, switching off partners with people and exchanging smiles.

I spotted Dante and Rain, as close as Sammi and Jinxx, spinning slowly and laughing in a carefree, happy manner, causing my insides to twist with jealousy and my heart to twist with love and pain, happiness at being so close, sadness at not being the one she was dancing and laughing with. I could see Dante mouthing the words along to her, probably singing, "As the world falls down, I'll be there for you.."

"Put it on loop!" I heard Sammi yell to Asher, who was closest to where the music was coming from.

"Once more, at least!" Jeph agreed.

Everybody was too wrapped up in all of the happiness to care about repetition, or anything except the day for that matter.

Dante soon switched off to dance with Brooklyn as they reached the island in the middle and Rain plucked Jeph up and spun him around, singing to him, with Jeph matching the words gleefully.

Gerard let go of Frank who moved to dance with Brent, who, just for documentation, was actually smiling, to dance with Jeph who would giggle everytime Gerard would dip him down as they twirled. The song started onto it's second time playing, and I was so caught up in watching everything, I didn't even see it coming when someone's hand fisted into my shirt and pulled me into all of it.

Familiar hands slipped into mine as Rain smiled up at me and sang along to the song, "There's such a sad love, deep in your eyes, a kind of pale jewel..."

I couldn't help but pick up where she left off, "Open and closed, within your eyes, I'll place the sky within your eyes."

Nobody tried to switch off with us for most of the song, until I heard everyone quiet down some, still moving, just seemingly waiting for something.

I could feel their eyes on us, and I too stopped singing. Rain, however, was completely the opposite, and sang what appeared to be designated as her part of the song, or perhaps what just felt correct, "Falling in love, as the world falls down. Makes no sense at all; makes no sense to fall.."

Which was when I felt her hands fall out of mine and she flashed me a small, sad smile, and then she was dancing with Dante again for the last few lines and I was grabbed by Ashley, who grinned and then said, "You're getting there, Andy," as the song ended.

I couldn't help but wonder exactly what everything meant, but I didn't have long to before I was swept up into the cooking.


Sorry about the wait. <3

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