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Dante walked past me, grinning. "'Night Andy."

"'Night, Dante." I nodded to him, confused as to why he was so happy. Maybe it was just a Christmas thing. But he didn't even seem this happy earlier, except...except when he was around Rain.

My heart sunk as realization dawned on me.

Rain was in love with Dante, not me...

I frowned and walked out into the living room, where she was sitting. She smiled up at me and I tried to force a smile back, but it wouldn't work. After all these years, I still loved her. I never stopped loving her.

But she stopped loving me..

"Hey, Andy. Is Jeph asleep?"

I opened my mouth to say yes but the words caught in my throat, so I just nodded.

She patted the seat next to her and I slowly sank down onto the couch.

"Did you tell him a story? He said earlier that he was gonna ask you to."

I finally got my voice to work and said, "Yeah, I did. I'm going to tell him the next part sometime, if it's okay with you. You know, that I come over and tell him it."

"It's fine by me. He adores you. I mean, he already did, but him finding out that you're his father...that just...let's just say that he is your absolute number one fan."

I nodded, not knowing what to say.

"Are you gonna stay the night?" She asked. "Jeph would love that. I could tell that he really enjoyed waking up with you here."

I nodded slowly. Everything seemed like it was hard to do.

I almost didn't hear what she said next, it was so quiet.

"I liked waking up with you here."

I stared at her.

She shifted nervously. "Look, I know you're probably, y'know, like...moved on, but, I-"

What I did next was impulsive, but nonetheless effective in getting my own point across.

I leaned over and pressed my lips to hers.

For a moment, I didn't think she was going to respond. I thought I'd seriously fucked up.

I went to move back, but her hand flew up and fisted into my shirt, pulling me back down and kissing with just as much passion and fervor as five years ago. I could feel my heart kick start and beat madly. Every trace of disappointment that had been there before was gone, with just that one kiss.

"You're wrong," I finally managed to breath out when we parted for air. "I never moved on."


Anyone else been waiting for this? <3

Heaven Help UsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora