I Was Never Gone

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Almost a week into the tour, I was sitting in the lounge of the bus and thinking about what was waiting for me back in LA.

It had been so long since I’d had something to look forward to after tour. It was nice, knowing that I had a son and a girlfriend waiting for me when I got back.

I was lucky; the tour was only three weeks long. I’d be back to LA in practically no time.

“Hey, Andy,” Ashley smiled down at me.

“What’s up, Ash?”

His smile spread into a grin and he threw himself down next to me. “Man, it is so good to have you back.”

“I was never gone.” I knew that was a lie of sorts, but it was worth a try.

Ash scoffed but didn’t say anything. I was grateful.

We sat there for a few minutes, Ashley sipping on a glass of some kind of brightly colored alcohol.

“So how’s the sober life?” He asked.

“It’s not so bad. I’m surprised I kicked it all so easily.”

“Cold turkey…man, I’d never be able to do it. Not completely, anyway.”

“You’re not necessarily an alcoholic, Ash.”

He hummed his agreement.             

Jinxx came into the room. “Andy, hey, Rain’s on the line. She says she’s been trying to call you, but you haven’t been answering. She was worried.”

“Oh, shit. Um, tell her I’m sorry. I left my phone plugged into my bunk. I’ll go get it and call her back. Shit.” I stood up and rushed into the bunk area, digging around in my bunk to find my phone. My fingers caught the cord and I tugged on it until the device fell into my hands.

Three missed calls and one text message. I read the text message, which was from Jon, our manager, telling us the set time, and then called Rain back.

“Finally,” She laughed into the phone.

My heart swelled happily at the sound. “Is everything okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, I was just…sorry, are you busy right now? I can call back later and we can talk after you’ve said goodnight to Jeph.”

“No! No, I’m not busy yet. I’ve got at least half an hour until sound check.”

“Oh, alright. Dante suggested I call and figure out the details of the date. You know, time, day, etc. D volunteered to watch Jeph, since Asher and Raven are probably going to be busy with that new movie and whatnot.”

“I was thinking 7:30, the night I get back?”

“Won’t you be tired, though?”

“No show that night or the night before. Just coming home from…” I checked the date list. “New Jersey, holy fuck. Since when do we end tours so far away from home?”

She laughed again. “Okay, seven thirty the night you get back. Should I dress all fancy or something?”

“Wear whatever you’d like. You always look beautiful.”

“I can’t wait.” I could hear her smile.


Gah. I hate that things might go downhill. But it all gets better in the end. :D

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