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  • مهداة إلى My fans friends my family. my girlfriend. i love you.

if i don't update ever again i am really sorry because it means i killed myself. if i wake up tomorrow and feel like it's something i wont do then i'll update again. you guys mean a lot to me but i found out my girlfriend is doing heroin, i've got a handful of klonopin, so does she, i have two super strong sleeping pills, so does she, so we might both be dead soon. i love her with everything i am except for the love i have for my little brother. i don't know what to do. i get bullied and pushed around and picked on and hurt all the time. my mother promised shed move up to where i am so that i can see my baby brother more and she fucking lied. i have scars all up and down my legs and on my wrists and a few on my sides and some on my stomach. but the ones on my stomach just tell me what i am. fat and ugly. i don't even know if she meant it when she told me she loved me and it hurts so much. i'm such a messed up person and i'm lost. i wont be lost when im dead. ill delete this if im not dead if i update again. if im not dead. id like to be dead. i have nightmares or you could call them dreams or fantasies or whatever of killing myself in multiple different ways. i'm going to combine them all and do it if i do decide to just kill myself. i mean seriously. we live we die. what the fuck is the point in living. i promised her that i'd combine and do them if she did heroin. ok. done. none of you probably care about any of this but i needed to let you know. so, much love, maybe my last post.

                                        - imheretotakethesky

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