You Have My Blessing

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After IHOP, Dante called the driver and I texted Brooklyn to see if she'd hang out with Jeph while Dante, Andy, and I talked.

The driver took us back to the buses, and we thanked him.

Brooklyn met us at the Death To You bus with Jimmy and Rose. Jeph went off with them to scope out tonight's venue.

“Alright, let's talk about this,” I said, when Brooklyn, Jimmy, Rose, and Jeph had disappeared from sight.

We went into the bus to the front. Zac, Damon, and Matt were currently nowhere to be found.

“Yes, let's.” Dante agreed, the bitter tone back in his voice.

We took our seats.

“Look, I-” Andy began, but Dante cut him off angrily.

“What the hell is going on here? Rain, we spent five years NOT telling Andy, and just out of the blue you tell him without even warning any of us?”

“Dante,” I said firmly. “You and I both know how much you contributed to Jepharee's life, and I love you so much for it, D. You're my best friend in the world and I honestly can't believe you've been putting up with me for so long.”

“I haven't been 'putting up with you'...” He muttered.

“I understand how you're mad. You stayed even though Andy didn't, and you even knew him first. Remember when Jepha was a newborn and he'd sometimes wake up crying in the middle of the night? Remember how even on the first night it happened, you were the one who got up and took care of it? And how when Jeph could finally pick up a pencil, you were right there to encourage him and help him learn how to draw? When he said his first words and I was too shocked and happy to move, and you were the one to be all, 'holy fuck, he just talked! It needs filmed!'?” Thinking about it all made a few tears of happiness spring up. Dante was smiling softly into space, like he was remembering too.

“Yeah,” He agreed quietly. “Yeah I remember all of that.”

“And all of us remember how Andy wasn't there doing all of that. I don't fully blame him, because I know I had the option to tell him. But I figure we all knew what would have happened.”

Andy looked at his hands, examining them, before quietly saying, “I wouldn't have been happy about it. I probably would have left; you just made it easier on you and Jeph.”

“But D, we all see how sober Andy is. I'm not saying he'll stay that way, I'm just holding onto the hope that he might. However, I knew I couldn't keep it from him much longer. He's sober; he would have figured it out sooner or later, and I figure, why not just tell him? I don't regret telling him, Dante. But I do regret not telling you that I was going to first. You're my closest friend and I should have, because it's a big decision and it impacts you as well. It impacts everybody, but you a lot more, since you've helped raise Jepha.”

“I love Jepha. It's hard not to. So, I see how this could be really good for both him and you. I want to see you both happy; you're my family. If telling Andy, and having Andy back in our lives, well, then, I guess that's just a win situation, isn't it? I missed you, Andy.” He added to Andy.

“I missed you, too, Dante.” Andy smiled at him. “I want to stay in Jeph's life...” He looked nervously between me and Dante. “But it would be better if I had your blessing to, Dante. I get how you feel, kinda. You were there for everything and I wasn't, but I feel horrible about that. I realize I can't change the fact that I haven't been around, but I plan to change the fact that he doesn't know me. If he hates me when he's be it. At least maybe he'll know I tried to be a good father. Because I really will try. He deserves that much. You all deserve that much. So, if I have your blessing, Dante, I think we can start planning to Christmas shop.”

I stared at the two of them.

“You have my blessing, Andy.” Dante finally said.


I am so sorry I didn't update earlier like I promised I would! D: But I have a minute left before it's midnight here, so, I updated! Enjoy! <3

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