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Later that night, when Jeph was asleep, Rain, Dante, Brooklyn, Raven, Asher, and I were all sat around Rain’s laptop looking up Alyssa Simms.

“She’s not mine,” I said again.

Everyone studied the pictures of her, and after a few minutes of tense silence, Brooklyn spoke.

“This kid can’t be Andy’s. We’ve all seen what his offspring looks like,” She said, referring to Jeph. “And this is not it. The hair’s too dark, the eyes are brown, and dude, if it was Andy’s kid, it would have blue or green eyes, considering Juliet had blue eyes as well.”

Dante nodded. “I mean, I guess it’s possible she’s his, but I highly doubt it.”

Rain frowned and then looked at me. I understood what we had to do.

“I’m calling Juliet. I want a DNA test.” I said.

“I’ll call CC and tell him what’s going on, although I have a feeling he might already know.”

Brooklyn didn’t understand what that meant, so in the meantime, while Rain and I were calling Juliet and CC, Dante was explaining it to her.

Rain waited to call CC while I called Juliet. I set it to speaker.

She picked up after the first ring.

“Hey, Andy,” She said, attempting cheerfulness.

Rain held my hand tighter, out of anger or protectiveness, I didn’t know, but I appreciated it nonetheless.

“I want a DNA test.” I told her, not wanting to make small talk. I wanted to get it over with.

“…what? Andy, she’s your kid.” She insisted.

“I want a DNA test.” I repeated. “And I think you should call any other guys you were with while we were dating, and have them get one too.”

“Did your girlfriend come up with this silly idea? Is she scared that you’ll forget about her and that boy if Alyssa is yours?”


That was all I needed.

“No, I came up with it. Also, do not bring my girlfriend and son into whatever you’re trying to pull. And you’re right, Juliet. If Alyssa is mine. If.”

She began to protest. “That isn’t what I meant-She is yours, I know she is, you can’t just-"

“DNA test. Monday. Make your calls, Juliet. Your kid deserves to know who her real father is.” And then I hung up.

Rain kissed my cheek sympathetically and then dialed CC.

“Hey, what’s up?” He answered.

“Have you gotten a call from Juliet lately?” Rain asked.

“Aw, shit, dude, yeah. I was going to call you guys in the morning, but what’s going on now? …She tried to say the kid was Andy’s, didn’t she?”

“Yeah, she’s trying to get him to take on the responsibility. But, they’re getting a DNA test on Monday, do you want one, too?”

“Yes. Oh my god, yes. She’s fucking so many things up with me and Lauren. I mean, if the kid is mine, I’ll take responsibility and be a father, but I don’t want it to ruin my marriage.”

“Same here. She doesn’t look like either of us, CC.” I said.

“I know! What the fuck is Juliet even playing at?”

I heard Jeph calling for me from his room.

“I don’t even know. But, hey, I’ve got to go.”

“Alright, tell the little man I said hi.” I could tell he was smiling.

“Will do. Tell Lauren we all say hey.”

And then he and Rain hung up and I went to see what Jeph needed.


To make up for not updating when I said I would (my Internet got turned off), I will post another chapter after this.

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