Valentine's Day

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Later into the evening, Jinxx and Sammi brought out a large cake for Rain’s birthday and everybody gathered around the room. Brent and his girlfriend were there, Trisha and Bryan, Brooklyn, Jimmy Strimpel and his fiancé, Matt Good and his wife, Austin Dunn, Ray and Christa, Mikey and Alicia, and everybody else was there as Rain blew out the candles. After that the talking and dancing and eating started up again.

When a slow song came on, Rain and I partnered up and observed as Dante shyly asked Brooklyn to dance. We watched as her eyes lit up and she gladly took Dante’s outstretched hand and danced with him.

“You know,” Rain said quietly into my ear. “I’ve been waiting years for that to happen.”

Laughing lightly, I replied, “I think everyone has.”

When a fast song came back on, Rain and I, a little tired by this point, went to sit down on the couch and watch the other people. CC and Lauren, who’s kid was currently at Rain and Dante’s with everyone else’s kid, were dancing wildly; Jake and Ella had disappeared shortly after the cake had been cut and served; Ashley and his date were on one side of the room, not really doing much. Actually, he looked rather bored, which was unusal when he was with a pretty woman. But over in one corner, Dante and Brooklyn were making out like the world was going to end.

Everyone had secretly brought it up at some point during the night, but we were all extremely happy for them. Sometimes it took forever to find your match like that.

A dude with short brown hair and a nose piercing came over to where Rain and I were standing. I had gone to get another drink, so when I saw this I stayed back for a moment to watch. Part of me was curious to see if Asher was right, and part of me thought that what I knew would go down was rather funny.

Ashley came up behind me. “What’s going on?”

I looked at him and nodded towards where the dude and Rain were.

He raised an eyebrow, with an amused smile playing on his face. “Ah.”

We stood there and watched.

“Hey, I’m Austin.” He held out his hand to Rain. She took it with a confused look on her face.

“I’m Rain,” She muttered back.

“You’re very pretty, you know that?”

I couldn’t decide whether to laugh at the fact that he was flirting with my girlfriend or punch him in the face for doing so.

“Uh, thanks dude.”

“Just telling you the truth,” He flashed her a rather charming smile, and she frowned a bit. “You sing for that band, right? Death To You?”


“Oh, cool. I like your music.”


“So, you here with anyone?”

I took that as my cue. I smirked at Ash, who grinned mischievously, and quickly made my way over to them.

“Hey, babe.” I said, putting my arm that had my drink in it around her waist and leaning down to kiss her.

And not just a little kiss, I was having way too much fun for that. It was a full on, tongues involved, deep, passionate kiss.

I could hear Ashley as he put his hand on the guy’s shoulder and steered him away from us, saying, “Really, dude. You don’t have a chance with her, it’s been them for years.”

I pulled away after they had gone a nice distance from us.

“I, uh, I…” She seemed to have no words.

I smiled at her. “I love you.”

“I love you, too. Wanna go to your place tonight? Jeph isn’t expecting us home until tomorrow…”

“Yes, if you’d like.”

“I’d really like that. By the way, I still want this shirt,” She said, tugging at my Misfits shirt.

“The grounds on which you can have it still stand..” I told her.

“Well then, we should get to your place, shouldn’t we?”

"Yes, ma'am."

The shirt was no longer mine after we entered my house.


Definitely not my best chapter...I guess I'm still in a rush with wanting to end this a little..

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