Mine and Yours

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The next morning, Rain and I woke up earlier than the rest of the household so that I could leave early for recording.

“I love you,” I said at the door.

“I love you, too. Will you be back later tonight?”

“I don’t know, yet.” I said truthfully. I didn’t know when we’d be done recording, and there were still songs to be finished and written, people to be contacted, and instruments to replace and find.

“Alright. Text me and call us later? I know Jeph’s really looking forward to next week. What is it that you’ve been telling him? I’m really rather curious.”

“It’s nothing,” I couldn’t help but grin and lean down to give her another kiss.

“Well it must be something, because he really enjoys it.”

“Yeah, well, how about that crush of his?” I smiled. It almost felt like everything was in place; us standing here talking about our child, work, life…

“Oh, I know, right?” Her eyes sparkled happily. “Even his art has been different…he’s been painting some pretty love oriented things. Did you see that one he’s working on?”

“The one of-“

She nodded and laughed a little.

“Yeah, I have.” I said. “I think she’ll like it, don’t you?”

“Oh man, her mother will, I know that. She’s been wanting to paint or have someone paint something like that for ages…”

“I can’t wait to see their faces. Do you think she’ll like him back, though?”

“She’s a little young, yet. Jepha knows that. Ah, when they’re older though, I can’t wait.”

“So speaking of love…your birthday’s in a couple of days...”

“I know,” She blushed. “God, I’m going to be so old, Andy, can you believe it?”

I frowned a little and lifted my hand up to her face. “Hey now. There was a time when you thought you weren’t even going to make it past seventeen. And now you’re ten years past that, and I’m so proud of you.”

She leaned up to press her lips to mine briefly. “I know.”

“For your birthday, though. I was thinking we could go on another date, maybe?”

“Well, I would, but Jinxx and Sammi are throwing a party for the grown ups that night, see.”

“Ah, okay. Well, I guess-“

“But how about you be my date to that?”

“Are you sure?” I asked uncertainly.

“Andy. You’re my boyfriend, yes I’m sure.”

My day had just gotten a lot better. “That sounds perfect. It’ll let the dudes who are interested know that you’re mine.”

“You’re right, there. I am yours.”

“And I am yours.”


Sorry about so many updates lately, guys. I just want to get this story over with, but at the same time I don't. I've been going through another rough time recently, and everything's been really conflicting. Thanks for sticking with me, and please don't get angry if I continuously update. It makes me feel better in an odd way.

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