Dreams Come Alive

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The day before his birthday and the release show, Jeph forced me to tell him more of the story.

“Alright, alright, I was going to anyways.” I said, giving in. “A few months after the last tour, the girl had the baby. Andrew was at his house, in bed and waiting for his new girlfriend to leave. God, he hated that chick. He wanted the love of his life back, but he was too full of medication and pride to ask for her back. The baby was a boy. Everybody except for Andrew was present at his birth. The kid grew up fantastically, though. Andrew went to every one of the girl’s band’s shows that were in California, often seeing the child with her. He wondered sometimes who the kid’s father was, still refusing to accept that the kid was his. Towards the middle of the fifth year of them not speaking, their tour managers set up another tour. The girl’s band, David’s band, and Andrew’s band would be touring together again. The girl brought her son with her.”

I knew I was treading into unsafe territory, in a way. This would undoubtedly reveal that this story was real. But I pushed on with it anyways.

“Towards the end of that tour, she revealed to Andrew that the boy was his son. Andrew was delighted to learn this. They spent that Christmas together, and the girl and Andrew got back together, finally. He loved his son and his girlfriend, but as the new year progressed, and they got to his son’s birthday, Andrew made a big decision. He asked David for help with it, and that they keep it concealed from the girl until the time came.”

Jeph was watching me intently, his eyes sparkling.

My heart was pounding nervously as I continued. “And right now, nearly a year later, Andrew is sitting with their son, asking for permission to marry the girl.”

He raised his eyebrow.

“Jeph, I-I’m asking you for your permission to marry your mom.” I said.

He waited a few moments before answering, and then, “Yes.”

I couldn’t stop smiling. I hugged him tightly and he said, “I knew you were talking about you and Mommy and me. I knew…and yes, you can ask Mommy to marry you. She would like that. I would like that.”

Dante and Brooklyn stood in the doorway and smiled, looking very emotional. Dante nodded, as if in approval and forgiveness, and then intertwined his fingers with Brooklyn’s.


I'm pretty sure I fell in love over and over again tonight, so enjoy this chapter. I'm actually kind of proud of it. :) I was listening to You and Me by Lifehouse while writing this and it made my heart hurt in a good way.

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