Rockstar Bliss

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After Andy left, I went and checked on Jeph, who was sound asleep with his hand curled around Batman. I hummed quietly to myself as I found my way into my room and changed into my pajamas.

Dante dropped by shortly after I had climbed into bed.

“So…a date, huh?” He smirked and raised an eyebrow.

“Fuck you. Yeah, a date.”

“Well, good for you two.” His smirk shifted into a small smile.

I couldn’t help but smile back. We stayed there in comfortable silence for a few moments, until Dante came over and sat next to me.

“You alright?”

I leaned into his embrace. “Are you?”

“I’m fine.”

“Thinking about Nicci?”

He remained quiet for a minute. “Today would have been the anniversary of when we got together. I just…it’s still hard to believe it’s over. I mean, I’m getting over her. I’m almost to the point where I’m able to go through days like this and not remember what it would have been if we’d stayed together. She’ll always have that place in my heart, though.”

“Dante, it’s okay to miss her still. Trust me. There’s someone out there, just waiting for you to come along.”

“I…thanks, Rain.” He pushed on the covers until he was under them with me.

I smiled at the familiarity of it all and curled up next to him.

“Am I gonna have to move out?” He asked after a while.

“What? No, why?”

“Well, I mean, once you and Andy get back together and stuff.”

“Fuck no, D. We own this house together. You’re staying forever.”

He hummed contentedly. “Sounds fantastic.”


So, this is kind of a filler. A reassurance/reminder more to myself than anything else to know that Dante isn't going anywhere. They shall all live in happy rock star bliss. ^-^ (Also. Dante might never find a love interest, because I don't know who I'd have be that person.)

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