Wish It Was Me

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Andy’s POV

The first couple of nights consisted of being on the road. When we finally pulled into our first stop, I was torn between wanting to stay on the bus, and checking out the venue. I stuck with the bus. It was probably a venue I’d been to before anyway.

Besides, I’d taken Ashley’s words to heart, and I didn’t want to run into quite Rain yet.

I chose to ignore the fact that it would be inevitable later, when we had to wait backstage.

Instead, I sat on my bed and texted a couple of people, did some vocal warm ups, and thought about Rain.

Should I just go talk to her? Should I ignore her while we’re waiting to go onstage?

What about the little boy? He seemed to be excited to be here..

Around 7, night had fallen a couple of hours ago and it was getting pretty cold outside, I stood up and walked out of the bus, in my makeup and stage clothing.

I saw Rain enter her bus, probably going to get her son.

She didn’t come into the venue until it was almost time for Death to You to go onstage, which was the end of the show. She came into the back, hugged her son, and made sure that he’d be alright with Dante.

The little boy sat cross-legged on the couch with a drawing pencil and sketchbook, looking really into it. He bobbed his head a bit with the beat coming form Death to You’s show.

Dante sat next to him and watched him draw, occasionally pointing at something and smiling.

I sat there and wished it was me.


I'm horrible at this. I'm uploading another chapter...I can't resist..

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