He Gets It From You

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Her manager didn't tell her? That was odd.
"Um...well..." She looked a little lost.
"How about we go get breakfast?" I offered again. "Maybe that'll take your mind off it for a little while."
She nodded slowly. "Yeah...okay, yeah. Jepha, go get dressed, okay?"
He squealed happily and ran back into his room. Barely a moment later, he stuck his head back in. "Call Dante. Tell him to come along," and then he was back in his room.
She sat up and looked at me for a moment. "It's nice to have you back in our lives Andy."
"Likewise. I missed you..." I trailed off and rubbed the back of my neck nervously.
"Yes. Everyday. None of the girls I saw were enough; they weren't you. And...and now I have son."
"You've had a son for five years, Andy. You just..."
"I was stupid." I supplied helpfully.
"You said it, not me. But yes, you were."
I smiled. "Not anymore, though. Good luck getting rid of me now."
She pushed my arm lightly and smiled back.
I waited in the front of the bus with Jeph while she got dressed.
"Will you be at home with us tomorrow, Daddy?" He asked me, climbing up onto the couch and sitting to face me.
"I hope so. We've got a lot of catching up to do, huh?"
He nodded. "Did Uncle Jinxx and Aunt Sammi and all of them know you're my daddy?"
I opened my mouth, but quickly closed it again. What was I supposed to say to that?
Luckily, Rain came out at that moment.
"You ready to go, Jepha?"
He nodded so vigorously, he almost fell off the couch.
"Oops," He giggled.
Rain rolled her eyes with a grin and grabbed his hand.
"Where's Dante?" Jeph asked as we walked outside. "You called him, right?"
She looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Do you care if Dante comes along?"
"Of course not. I haven't talked to Dante in...well, you know." I glanced at the ground and then back up.
"Yeah, I do know."
Jeph dropped Rain's hand for a moment to have Batman held up by his cape and he ran a bit ahead of us making 'rawr' noises and laughing excitedly to himself.
Rain stepped closer. "So, your mom and dad'll be here today?"
Jeph decided he was going to skate around this little patch of ice with Batman held high above his head, pretending they were flying through Gotham City.
"Yeah," I said slowly, watching Jeph carefully. It was weird; I felt this pull around my navel, like something was going to happen, and I tried to brush it off as just being hungry.
I caught on to what was happening before Rain could.
Jeph's face contorted into fear as his foot slid just a little too far ahead of him and he dropped Batman, his arms flailing while trying to keep himself upright.
I was thankful we were so close to where he was or neither of us would have gotten to him in time. I took a couple of large steps towards him and caught him by his arms.
He steadied himself and looked up at me, and then launched himself into my midriff. "Thanks, Daddy."
His words were muffled because he had his face pressed into my stomach and was hugging me so tightly.
I hugged back. "No problem, buddy. Just don't...don't scare me like that."
Rain looked at me. "Now you know how feel quite often."
I gaped at her for a moment. "Can we wrap him in bubble wrap?"
"He gets it from you," She smirked as she bent to pick up Batman.

"I'm baaaaaack!" :D Ahhhhhh! Okay, so I got my computer fixed, and I've now uploaded. :) However, I'm really busy recently. My best friend is doing this whole band thing, and I've been helping her out. She's an awesome artist, both visually and musically, and I will shamelessly promote her on here sometime in the future. But it's great to be back. I see I've got a lot of new really awesome readers, which is so rad I almost died. It's awesome to be back and ready to write a lot more for you guys. Much love to everyone <33

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