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Black Veil Brides went back into the studio the next day, and were kept busy working on the record for another two months.

Jeph and Rain had inspired the record greatly, especially on the nights where Jeph couldn’t sleep and we sat together while he worked on his home math assignments and I wrote lyrics and Rain would come in and sit with us and make sure we got to sleep eventually.

It had been eight months since Jeph’s 6th birthday. Only three and a half months until the new record dropped, and four months until I proposed to Rain and it would be Jeph’s 7th birthday.

I sat down with Jeph again at that time to tell him more of the story.

“So what happened?”

“Andrew was in denial, pretty much. He didn’t want to believe that the kid could be his. Was his. Is his. He wasn’t ready for that kind of responsibility, so he denied it. He pushed it away. The girl broke up with him that night, and Andrew did the stupidest thing he could do. He got drunk. Really, super, incredibly drunk. He didn’t even care anymore. Nothing mattered. The girl who owned his heart had left him. The family that he had built up didn’t even matter anymore. He didn’t care about his health or anyone else’s health, he just wanted to be numb. He didn’t want to feel things. So he stayed drunk. He became a horrible alcoholic. A few weeks after they broke up, their managers set them up on one last tour together. Them with a few other big bands, even David’s band. Ray was old enough to stay home by himself by then, so it wasn’t too much of a big deal there. However, touring with her made Andrew want to feel even less. He felt angry and agitated the entire tour, pushing away his band mates and anybody who tried in the slightest to make him feel better. His band’s performances sucked because of his anger and alcoholism, but the fans kept pouring into venues night after night. On the last night of tour, the bands were all doing a big signing and meet and greet. The girl was noticeably pregnant by now. Andrew had been with a bunch of different girls, casually, every night almost. He hated himself for that. He went over to her, and asked to speak to her privately. She bid goodbye to the fans she had been speaking to and David reluctantly let her go with Andrew to his tour bus to speak. He did an extremely idiotic thing, and accused her of cheating on him. She was understandably angry. Andrew called her some mean names, as he wasn’t thinking correctly at the time, and she stormed off. That was the last time they spoke for nearly six years.”

Jeph’s mouth dropped open. “Is that where we’re leaving it tonight? I want more!”

“Sorry, kiddo. I have to go get some sleep so that we can go shopping tomorrow for clothes for the album release show.”

He sighed. “Alright, I guess. Goodnight, Daddy.”

“’Night, Jeph.”

The next day we woke up bright and early and went down to Sunset to get the perfect clothes for the show, which I had made sure would be on Jepha’s birthday.

We walked into my usual store and began looking around. Within ten minutes, we had both found tons of clothes to try on and see which ones were the right ones.

Jeph went first and I sat outside the dressing room he was in to tell him which ones I thought looked best and to see which ones he thought he looked best in.

The first outfit he came out wearing was a black fedora, light blue pants, and a white shirt.

We both thought it didn’t look the greatest, so we went through more outfits until he came out wearing a white cotton v-neck t-shirt, black pants, and a light leather jacket with an inverted cross studded on the back, and combat boots that matched a pair I had picked up.

“You are definitely influenced fashion-wise by your uncles, aren’t you?” I asked.

“And you, Daddy! Besides, I look awesome.”

I nodded in agreement. “Yeah, you do, but you’d look even more awesome if…” I trailed off, looking around for the accessories. He walked over with me and I put some dog tags and a cross necklace on him.

“Perfect.” We said together, and then Jeph giggled.

“Now your outfit!” He said.

We looked through all of the clothes that I had picked out, and then decided we should match. So I tried on a white v-neck t-shirt, the adult sized combat boots, an adult sized leather jacket just like his, and black skinny jeans, with my usual accessories.

I looked in the mirror. I looked good.

Jeph came and stood beside me and then giggled again as he posed like a model. “We match!”

I smiled down at him. “Yes, we do. There’s no way anybody will be able to say you’re not my son now.”

I still hadn’t told my fans that I was back together with Rain or that Jeph was my son, but that was part of what the release show was for.


I'm in an overly good mood tonight, so everybody be happy because I'm uploading for a third time! I decided you guys needed an overdose of (hopefully) cuteness like I recieved earlier. :D

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