what a CONVENIENCE we met, right?????

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this may be kinda confusinf because i found this uncompleted in my drafts and it was there for a few months now so idecdied to finish it LOL (good portion of it i wrote!! was like 200 words in drafts) IMAND IM ROOUD OF THAT

but thhe the whole scenario of it kinda makes me unsatisfied so i might edit tat later or sum aaahahahayshdhsysydhb

dont hesitat to comment!!! criticism welcome 2

oh also, this takes place during a night shift because night time causes good time... no not in that context-

"This is the convenience store, right?" The boy asks as he eyes the small pack of bubblegum at the right side of the desk.

Gakushuu doesn't even bat an eyelash when the boy braces an elbow on the counter, eyes glowing with interest.

Instead of telling the guy off like any normal cashier would do, he realizes, with a frown, that he's anything but normal, and doesn't really care what this guy does.

So Gakushuu simply stares, looking rather bored as the boy hungrily gazes at the bubblegum carton, and he can already tell this might take awhile.

"Um, yes," Gakushuu says, letting his eyes peer over the packet of bubblegum the boy is currently focused on, and–

Strawberry flavor, he notes stupidly.

"Okay," the boy (it's getting tired calling him that) says distractedly, looks at him, then flashes him a curious look and leans more forward with a sudden smile.

"You know," the boy starts, and Gakushuu tries not to get too lost in the abyss of mercury in his eyes. "you're rather cute for someone who works here."

"What happened to the boring atmosphere?" Gakushuu comments idly with a straight face, a deadpan, and he squints when the guy chuckles at him.

"What, I don't get to compliment someone for looking extremely attractive? What's next? I get berated for breathing?"

Gakushuu stares him down as the other moves slightly, and instead of backing away, like he had expected him to, he moves closer and cups his chin, getting comfortable.

"If you're into that, I don't know what you do," Gakushuu shrugs, and his eyes glitter with amusement when he hears the boy choke, going rigid. "anywho, can I help you?"

"W–what, I–" Karma studders, and a daft pink unfolds from his cheeks. "actually, yes! What the fuck was that stunt you just.."

Gakushuu perks an eyebrow, almost challenging. "yes?" he edges further, arms criss-cross. "would you like to finish that sentence?"

"No, fuck– I'm just at a loss of words right now," the boy glows in pink. Gakushuu decides this is somewhat fun now. "I didn't know you were into that kinky shiit–"

It's Gakushuu's turn to wiggle into the pink motel, and he immediately sucks in a breath. "what," he gapes, speechless. "n–no, I'm not– it was just a joke–"

"Yeah yeah, I know, take a chill pill," Karma snorts, and he doubles over to laugh when Gakushuu continues to stare at him, in awe. "your face right now–"

"You're a prick for someone who attempted to flirt with me," Gakushuu sighs, and he was just having fun too. Although, a small bit of him was still amused by him. "listen, do you need anything or not?"

"Huh," realization dawns quickly on the boy as he composes himself. "oh yeah, convenience store, there, okay."

"Do you always talk in short words?"

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