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please don't hesitate to comment!! i appreciate it!!

uhhhh i can multitask and i just had the urge to update,, although i apologize againnnn abt the requests, i promise i'll do them after chapter 2 is released 😤

(i swear i procrastinate so much when it comes to long chapters shhdhyj)

BUT I doNt break promises bY THE WAY


"I'm not drunk."

It's the first thing Asano says as soon as he marches straight into the apartment, in which Karma has helpfully left open, voice sounding more determined than dazed.

So Karma takes it as a good sign that the alcohol has yet to be kicked in.

Karma grunts an affirmative 'yes'. "I can confirm, that you are, in fact drunk."

Gakushuu growls. "I said I'm not dr-r-ink!"

"Drink?" Karma raises an eyebrow, looking over his left shoulder. "are you thirsty? Water sounds good, doesn't it?"

Now that he gets a really good look at his roommate, he's almost tempted to comment on how much Gakushuu looks compared to shit.

Which is, by the way, not far.

The poor guy seems to be out of it though, the way he slurs over his words and the way his movements are weirdly sloppy.

It's also very rare to see the Gakushuu Asano so vulnerable. So why isn't he surprised?

Gakushuu's violet eyes look more lively than usual, his vibrant, amethyst orbs look almost mesmerizing despite the dim light under the apartment and– okay, don't get ahead of yourself.

His messy bangs also aren't something to miss by, and it's either thanks to the gust of wind, or Gakushuu had just been in a very, very sloppy make-out session.

Something inside of him churns, and Karma swallows.

Gakushuu isn't the type to fool around, he reassures himself, even in his drunken state, he wouldn't.

At least he hopes so..

"N-noo," Gakushuu whines, and Karma wheezes, "no wat—ter."

"Yes water," Karma declares, amused, eyes already searching for his phone as he proceeds to video it.

Ah, blackmail material indeed.


He's still filming by the time they have reached the kitchen, Gakushuu settling himself on the marble counter as he looks at Karma with peeked interest.

It's weird, Karma hasn't seen this many emotions on him since like.. ever. But it's not unwelcome, Karma would be lying if he said he didn't like it.

Still holding his phone on the right angle with his left hand, he makes his way to reach for the mug that stands, conveniently, right next to the sink.

It's thankfully not used, and Karma doesn't even question it as he begins to fill it with water.

"I th-o-ought," Gakushuu hiccups, a pout forming his face, "I sa-aaaid noo!"

"But I said yes," Karma smirks, and oh yeah, this is definitely not an opportunity to pass. It's content.

"Yea-aah? Weell– I sayy n-no!" Gakushuu huffs, looking away each time Karma tries to inch the mug towards his face.

The camera trembles at the action.

Karma frowns. "At least drink a little," he presses, and Gakushuu, being stubborn as he is, presses his lips in a thin line, sealing any escape.

The camera shakes a little more as Karma shuffles in the background, trying to form a plan but really, if he were to start by force, Gakushuu would surely start crying.. maybe.

"Ugh," Karma says, "what do I have to do to make you drink?"

By now, Karma is only just aware how close they seem to be, and aware of how Gakushuu's breath smells of alcohol, clothes wrinkled and reeking of cigarettes.

Oh god, Gakushuu better not be smoking.

"Uuh," Gakushuu makes an act of pondering, nose crumpled up and okay, that was cute, "o-ooh! A kisss!"

"What," Karma freezes.

"Givvv-ve me," Gakushuu pauses, before giggling as he makes another act of tapping his lips, and Karma wants to faint right there.

"I, uh," Karma says, awkwardly, "don't think you say it like that."

Gakushuu whines. He acts like a baby.

"Okay fine," Karma blushes, not fully aware that it's still recording as he gently puts his phone aside, and with that, he leans in and steals a kiss.

He makes a mental note to ask sober Gakushuu out tomorrow.

bruh i swear i thought i had this in my drafts,, but it was like POOF??! so i rewrote it instead 

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