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please don't hesitate to comment!1!1!!; i appreciate it!!!

sorry i didn't do a double take, so i apologize incase this doesn't make sense aswell!!

I PROMISED U EXTRA FLUFF.. BUT I KINDA FORGOT IM SO SORRY, i promise i'll write something extra fluffy next time

-requested by FoxStarLAM

"Hey, Sakakibara-kun?" A girl says, approaching him.

"Eh?" Ren turns, "what is it?"

"Uh.. well," The girl starts nervously, "I just wanted to know if Asano-kun was okay?"

"What do you mean?" Ren wrinkles his nose. He hadn't seen Asano since yesterday, but he seemed pretty normal, "Is he alright?"

"No, no, he's okay!" The girl quickly says as soon as Ren surges into panick, "I just.. maybe you should see for yourself."



And so he does. Luckily, he's got second period with him, so that should work.

Although, he doubts it's anything major, and if it wer–


Gakushuu is seated on his chair, nothing out of the ordinary, but everything else just says.. no wait, screams otherwise.

His face just looked, weird? He seemed to be having a hard time in keeping his neutral face, with the way his lips twitch time to time, eyes a brighter color than usual as he looks to be biting the inside of his cheek.

Ren approaches him, because seriously, he's concerned. He almost looks.. excited? That's impossible.

This isn't the Asano he knows.

"Asano?" Ren says, voice worried, "are you.. um, okay?"

Gakushuu snaps his attention to him so quick, Ren almost flinched by how fast it had been. "Yes, I'm fine."

"Okay?" Ren asks.


"Alright, what is it?" Ren sighs as the dazed look returns, and Gakushuu huffs.

"Akabane is taking me out today," Gakushuu says, almost fondly?

"Oh okay," Ren hums, already turning to take his leave before pausing.

"Wait what–"


It's been twenty-five minutes.

Gakushuu closes his eyes. Yes, he's been waiting that long. And he's slowly starting to doubt things.

Feeling a spike of uneasiness, he contemplates whether or not to go up there.

What if Karma isn't coming because he's too busy bailing on him?

His heart aches a little, and Gakushuu quickly dismisses that idea. Karma may be capable of many things, but that just.. doesn't seem right.

After a five minute mental argument with himself, Ren, again, approaches him.

"You look frustrated," He simply points out. Gakushuu frowns.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious," Gakushuu sassily replies, and Ren smiles in amusement.

"What's wrong?"

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