bro u taste good ngl

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6k reads THAAAANNKKK UUUU❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

i just made this in a rush but i only did this to indicate that no, i haven't died yet


haha no summary cuz i say so


Karma taps his pen on his desk, eyes slowly closing as a soft tune plays from the distance, kissing his ears.

It slowly lulls him asleep, and as he feels his eyes seal close, shoulders softening, the door suddenly rattles.

Karma jolts, blinking, before stretching out his limbs, slow. "..Who is it?" he manages with a yawn.

"Open up," Gakushuu says, muffled.

Karma hums, releasing his pen as he walks forward, and as soon as the door opens, Gakushuu grins, pulling him in.

Karma wraps his arms around him on instinct, sighing in content as he feels a hand smother against the red locks.

Gakushuu hums in response, relishing the warmth against him as he runs his fingers through Karma's hair, gentle.

"You look stupid with your bed hair," Gakushuu claims, earning a muffled response from his shoulder.

"Shut up," Karma says, before pulling away, eyes shining. "Kiss?"

Gakushuu gags. "No," he complains, laughing as Karma pluckers up his lips, expectant. "Brush your teeth first."

"Ugh," Karma groans. "You and your ridiculously high standards."

He goes anyway.


Karma kisses Gakushuu as soon as he had emerged from the bathroom, appreciating how soft they were, and

Karma gives a short tug at Gakushuu's bottom lip, before pulling away as he presses his lips together, thinking.

Then, "Cherry?"

Gakushuu giggles. "Yeah," he admits. "That's the chapstick I'm using."

"You use chapstick?" Karma asks, before licking his lips. Actually, not bad.

"Yeah," Gakushuu bites his lip. "Hope you don't mind."

"Why would I?" Karma says, leaning in for another quick kiss. "I like it."


It's the next day and Karma's starting to think he's getting addicted.

He grins as he proceeds to pamper Gakushuu with kisses, feeling the chapstick caress his lips, gentle.

Mint, his mind supplies gleefully.

Gakushuu only sighs in content, a smile on his lips as he pulls Karma closer for another kiss, laughing.

They stay like that, basking in eachothers presence.


Karma emerges from the kitchen, eyes gleaming as he sees Gakushuu on the couch, book at hand.

Karma approaches him without less of a thought, muttering a greeting as Gakushuu notices him, falling onto him.

Gakushuu huffs, wrapping his arms around him as Karma pulls back, diving in for a kiss.

Gakushuu hums into the kiss, eyes closing as he lets himself enjoy it, before Karma abruptly pulls away.

Gakushuu smacks his lips together as he blinks at Karma, confused.

"Strawberry," Karma simply says as he licks his lips, grinning. "My favorite."


Karma quickly steals another kiss.


tell me if i did any mistakes i literally rushed so fast

also UH, im sorry of my absence?? school is being a bitch and i can't take it

but if it helps, i'm working on something rly rly rly special rn((:;;:



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