alice in wonderland syndrome

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LOL hi

u might be wondering: what is this
well uh its what that pic says above nd the title

i really wanted to write this cos it just really seemed cool (well, its not, but i hope u get whag i mean) and god i really want to write more of this but u know aaseeruj

pls tell me if i did any mistakes i really just did this based off the symptoms

j want to write more lf this its so interesting


also gakushuu kinda vibes with karmas syndrome because its like,, what else can u really do

"That book has a nice pattern," Karma sniffs.

"Karma, the cover of the book has the color maroon. Just maroon," Gakushuu speaks softly.

"No, now, how could you be so silly?" Karma says, "That's the checkered color of blue and red, see?"

To prove his point, he guides Gakushuu's palm to smoothen against the cover of the book, and  it's oddly enticing with how slow he moved.

"Blue, red, blue..." Karma trails off into an effortless murmur Gakushuu doesn't bother to tune into, but he does smile lightly at Karma.

"Oh, ok," Gakushuu agrees wholeheartedly, "I see now. Thank you."

"It's ok, jus' glad you understand now," he places a kiss to the upper–half of Gakushuu's jaw, but the gesture is sweet and just lovely.

"Yeah," is all Gakushuu says, "Me too..."

"I'm so small," Karma whispers as he stares widely at his hands, "But my hands are big."

"Oh?" Gakushuu says with faux interest.

"Yeah!" Karma sounds delightful as he moves his palms slowly, inspecting them, "My hands are like, the size of a big animal. My body.."

He stops, and Gakushuu looks at him intently. "What kind of big animal, Karma?" He edges further, and he's happy once he sees him grin.

"Oh, like, I dunno, a cow maybe?" Karma licks his lips, "But, 's not that big. Maybe a calf. Yes."

"That's pretty ginormous!" Gakushuu gapes, and Karma hums in agreement, "What else?"

"Oh, well, let me see," Karma takes the question seriously as he analyzes his calloused palms, eyes wide, before, "My toes are big."

Gakushuu stifles an amused laugh. "Oh, really?" He starts, and Karma nods enthusiastically, "Sounds pretty big."

"They are," Karma realizes, and shuffles to the ground to poke lightly at his feet. "I'll touch it! You wanna touch it too?"

"No thanks, I'll pass," Gakushuu suppresses the grimace, and Karma only hums in response.

As of now, Gakushuu watches from the background as Karma continues to rant on, content.

"My head hurts," Karma whines as he drapes himself over Gakushuu, "Like, lots. My brain feels fuzzy and mushy 'nd I don't like it. Can't even stand up without getting a throb of pain."

"Let me fetch your medication," Gakushuu says as he presses his lips to Karma's forehead, not a kiss, but more of a loving graze to the skin, "Could you please get off me? I'll be back."

"Be careful," Karma whispers close to his ear, "Don't let them talk you into bad things."


"Them," Karma sounds genuinely angry as he points to the kitchen furniture across the room, "I already told them not to talk to you, but who knows? They are very bad, don't trust them."

"Okay," Gakushuu murmurs, leans down to steal another quick kiss from Karma, then ventures down the dangerous kitchen.

(Spoiler alert: it wasn't dangerous) But the way Karma's eyes trained on his every move felt both unnerving and protective of him.

Gakushuu sort of likes it.

"Why are your bookshelves always so far away from me?" Karma says, "Is it because you don't want me to read anything or something?"

"It's not that far," Gakushuu eyes him, "It's only a couple of feet away from us."

"No," Karma denies, smiling, "You're so funny sometimes."

That's all he says and ends it with, but Gakushuu knows better than to argue with him, and really, it's not like he cares much.

"I guess I am," Gakushuu shrugs.

"Don't guess. You are," Karma says.

"Ok," Gakushuu laughs, "I am."

"Stop!" Karma suddenly says throughout the movie they have been watching, and Gakushuu looks over to face him, "Stop."

The movie continues on, but no boys pay any mind when Karma quickly pulls his feet – that were dangling on the edge of the couch – to his him, and Gakushuu blinks.

"Gakushuu, what are you doing?!" Karma is quick to grab ahold of his thighs and swing them over atop the couch, and he reluctantly obeys, "You could've hurt yourself!"

"Huh?" is all he manages, and he tiredly reaches out to rub his eyes, – it's like what? 11PM? – and frowns at Karma, "Wha'?"

"Can't you see?" Karma panics as he points to the fluffy carpet on the floor, "Look! Look!"

"Oh, is it because the carpet is turned a little sideward? We can easily fix that, no need to make a fuss," he sticks a leg out to lazily fix the mess, when–

Karma kicks his leg, which makes him wince, before tugging them back on the couch, "No, are you crazy?" His eyes are wide.

Gakushuu frowns, confused and somewhat concerned, "What is it then?" he asks sweetly despite the tiredness that seeps through.

"There's lava there you dummy," Karma points out like as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, then pulls Gakushuu to him, "What were you thinking? Be more careful next time."

"Oh," is what Gakushuu says, and he lets himself melt under Karma's embrace.

"Don't just 'oh' me, you could've gotten seriously hurt," Karma frets dramatically as he checks for any injuries, "That's scorching hot."

"Oh– uhm ok, right, sorry," Gakushuu blushes when Karma cups his cheeks, pulls him closer, and Karma's concerned face is all he sees.

"I'm ok," he reassures pliantly, and Karma only frowns, "I'm fine, seriously," he insists amusingly.

"I don't believe that," Karma says, and before be can protest, he continues, "Kiss me and I might cut this lecture short."

"Ok," Gakushuu says breathlessly, and leans in.


i was just strongly motivated to do this im sooo sorri

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