enter: black furry thing

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please don't hesitate to comment!! i appreciate it!!

why do i have the feeling everyone reads depending on the title vvvv..,, like what happens if i change it to "nfjcjsns", would u still read it despite my keyboard having a seizure??!!


Gakushuu finds a kitten. Taking it in, Karma quickly finds himself not liking it.

aka i like cats


Purring can be heard across the dark living room, making Karma feel vivid.


The stupid purring keeps on getting louder.



"What is that thing?"

The lights finally adjust, and Karma visibly stiffens at the sight.

Gakushuu is sitting against the couch, upright as ever, nothing special, but the small, black bundle of fur in his arms says otherwise.

Gakushuu readjusts his position, revealing the pure black kitten, who has the nerve to look wide-eyed at Karma.

He doesn't like it already.

"She's cute, isn't she?" Gakushuu comments nonchalant, cooing at the small creature. The black furry thing meows cutely.

Oh, so it's a she.

"Uh no," Karma says, "she's not."

Gakushuu snorts. "Get lost then, cause I'm keeping it."

"I didn't take you for a cat person," Karma blinks, feet already moving on it's own as he strides forward.

"Dogs are such a hassle," Gakushuu's eyes roll, before he turns towards Karma, and the twinkle in his eyes is already enough for Gakushuu to understand, "I found it in an alleyway. It's mother abandoned it."

"Ah," Is all that Karma says, already finding himself sitting next to Gakushuu as he glares slightly at it.

Black furry thing only meows at him. Great.

"What's her name?" Karma says aloud.

"I don't know," Gakushuu hums, and Karma still glares at it.

"Are you sure you're um.." Karma searches for the right word, "ready for this.. thing?"

"Akabane," Gakushuu scowls, and oh, Gakushuu only ever calls him that when he's serious, "are you saying I'm not capable of taking care of an animal?"

"No," Karma quickly says, before going quiet for five seconds, "..maybe?"

"Fine," Gakushuu speaks after a beat of silence, and the cat, who seems to sense to tension, burrows itself further among the sweater Gakushuu's wearing, letting out a pleased mewl as she settles down.

"Let's both take care of it then."


part 2,, maybe

requests are ooooooooooooopen

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