meowingly pawsome

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pls don't hesitate to comment!2!2!!2

isn't it funny how i just start on a random note??? (i'm so used to writing small chapters, so i don't usually bother  LOL,)

although maybe i should start expanding these things 🤔 depends if i have time for that, that is dkxkxx


part 2 of 'enter: black furry thing'

kinda??2??2 u don't need to read part 1 since it's legit just a scenario here (short,,,,, might rewrite rkfkdk)


"So," Karma shuffles awkwardly, "Does this make us parents now?"

"No," Gakushuu huffs, staring in amusement as Karma held the black bundle of fur in his arms, face screaming discomfort as the kitten observes him with curious eyes.

Yes, It's Karma's first time holding her despite having her around three weeks now, and strangely, Gakushuu feels proud. It's.. improvement.

His posture is so stiff though, Gakushuu notices with a twitch of his lips, having to bite back a smile as Karma's demeanor seemed to crumble each passing minute, arms twitching now and then every time the creature stirs in his hold, visibly swallowing.

Okay, he might be grinning a little.

"What's up with you?" Gakushuu wrinkles his nose, before immediately cooing when the cat mewls at him, whiskers twitching. Cute.

"Nothing!" Karma says, quickly, "I just.. feel like I'm carrying a big responsibility. Literally."

At that, Gakushuu chortles. "I'm pleased that you're taking this seriously then. Would you like me to take her?"

"Uh.." Karma hesitates, tightening his hold around the kitten as the tension in his shoulders seems to sag, "Is it okay.. If.."

The feline meows in an encouraging manner, bless her, and with that, she paws the hem of Karma's shirt, muzzle laying atop Karma's chest as she stares at him, eyes gleaming.

Gakushuu's eyes twinkle. Karma feels his heart clench.

"Of course," Gakushuu agrees, tone soft.

"You know.." Karma starts, sounding somewhat touched? "She's grown a lot in the span of weeks."

Gakushuu hums. "Yeah, she has."


"We never really gave her a name."

"Oh," Gakushuu's eyes flicker, "we didn't."


"Alright, since she obviously loves me more than you," Karma continues, "We should name her Aka."

"You want to name her the color red?" Gakushuu says in disbelief.

"What?" Karma makes an offended noise, "My hair is red," he argues.

"Absolutely not," Gakushuu scowls, before blinking as he hears the faint sounds of purring.

Looking to the side, he finds a sickeningly sweet scenery displayed infront him.

Black furry thing had settled herself on Karma's lap, hind legs stretched out past Karma's thighs as a hand caressed her spine, eyes closing shut as she released a string of purrs.

And the fact that she's kneading too, is all the more endearing. Gakushuu finds that adorable.

Both of their eyes meet.

"We're in the midst of a bonding moment here," Karma huffs at him, eyes accusing as he completely sinks into the comfort of the kitten, "Isn't that right, Aka?"

"Not Aka."

"Oh, you're just so cute, aren't you Aka?"




wow, aka


UH first things first i wanna say that requests are in progress, so don't worry!!! (i'm so sorry this is taking SO long KSJS)

school is starting within a few weeks, thats y

sOo with that updates are probs gonna be all the more slower than usual ;; BUT i'm gonna try to upload as much as i can rn(im so slow)

but i can proudly(?) announce that chapter 1 from pokemon will be released like,, maybe like this week??

(gosh it was genuinely a pain writing that with the amount of times it got deleted 😤😤😤)

also super unimportant but i'm considering on changing my pfp and username 🤔 (don't get me wrong, i love the view nd all but i'm itching for change llolol)

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