ren suffer now

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Ren listens to them.. doing the dirty.

NO SMUT THO LOL also this is another short chapter soooso


Deciding to take a stroll around the dormitory, Ren had sincerely thought it would be a normal day.

Until the sounds of shuffling are to be heard, and he freezes.

The walls are pretty thin, so it's no wonder that he can hear it, but thing is, it's not just any dorm, it's Asano's.

And Akabane's. But that doesn't matter.

Making a hasty decision as the shuffles increase, he puts his ear against the door, eyes squeezing shut as he contemplates his life choices.

Just to make sure they aren't fighting or anything.

He looks like a creep.


"So, first time?" Karma smirks, setting up the game.

"Yes," Gakushuu blinks, watching with curious eyes, "I suppose so."

"Don't worry, i'll go easy on you," Karma says, eyes glinting.

"Oh please," Gakushuu scoffs, "I can handle it a little rough."


Ren's face burns. Oh, fuck.

..He listens furthermore anyway.


"You sure you can handle it?" Karma chuckles, "don't cry when I go too hard on you."

"I'm not a whimp," Gakushuu rolls his eyes, "I can take it all. Go as hard as you want."

"If you say so."


"Okay, that's it," Ren flushes, already standing up as he prepares to leave when suddenly–

"Is that all you got?!"

"No, not at all, let me show you who's boss here!"


Gakushuu moans.

"Oh my god," Ren squeaks out, immediately taking his escape.

He's traumatized.


"What the fuck was that?" Karma snorts.

"Ugh, I don't know," Gakushuu groans, "guess it's the overwhelming feeling of defeat. I'm never making that sound again."

Karma hums.

"By the way," Gakushuu says, "don't bother going easy on me next time."

"Oh?" Karma smirks, "next time?"

"Shut up."


requests r back 0pen

BTW UHH,, IM NOT SORRY although i hope this makes sense?? i read it over again and lOl idk

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