reason 384 why i hate HIM: hello kitty bandage

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im tired hahaha i didnt have ay motivation to wrte so soz if this comes off sorta shtttttttty

i think im having a minor existential crisis but that could just b me overthinking 2 lookl

comnt nd cirticim cool


"It's a hello kitty band-aid," Karma claims. He attempts to dab it upon the minor cut on his finger, but Gakushuu shies away quickly.

"No. Stop, stop, stop, stop-"

"I'm just so bored, you know?" Karma complains. "You catch my drift?"

"No. I don't," Gakushuu rolls his eyes. He strives to ignore Karma after that, and focuses back to his task at hand, his monograph.

He'd spent weeks, perhaps even months, to work upon this masterpiece, and he's thrilled to have finally payed off his work, but..

Perhaps not everyone can pertain. "'Course you don't," Karma groans dramatically, rolling on the bed he laid on. "Soo happy you must be."

"I'm glad you share my enthusiasm," Gakushuu mocks. He then proceeds to gather the scattered papers to him, to organize 'course.

"That's what you may think," Karma huffs. "But let me know you on a secret, I'm not!"

"Seriously Akabane, what's gotten into you today? So generous and kind, I'm starting to think this is getting far-fetched."

"You prick," Karma hisses, but there's no real malice in it. They both know it, very much so.

Gakushuu ignores him once again in favor of teetering the series of papers into an organized heap; a perfect stack, a systematic pile-

Until, one of the papers slice through his skin, and ouch did that hurt. "Papercut," Gakushuu hisses lowly, and stops to inspect his hand.

"Oh, finally something going on. I'm coming you man-baby," The bed creaks. "Let me get the bandages. Do we have any?"

"I didn't ask for your help," Gakushuu counters, but puts his thesis' away nonetheless. "I presume on the right, that cabinet over there."

"Okay." Karma hums. While that's out of the way, Gakushuu takes the chance to depart to the bathroom to wash his hands. Stupid cut.

It's only when he paces back into the room where Karma stands, he finds that he must have missed out on something.

Karma looks amused. But why? It bothers him for so many reasons. "Stop that," Gakushuu grouches. "That cocky smile doesn't suit you."

"It's my signature look," Karma shrugs, but does reluctantly drop it. Gakushuu blows into the trickling cut as he heads over to the other.

"Still going strong, huh?" Karma humors. He's right though, the cut is still oozing blood.

"Hand me the band-aids," Gakushuu huffs.

"Let me do it," Karma announces.

"Why should I?"

"Just because," He shrugs. "Let me."

"Fine," Gakushuu rolls his eyes.

It's weird how slowly Karma maneuvers over to him, but that's fine. Not many words were traded as Karma acquires the band-aid kit.

Gakushuu doesn't even want to look, but he does paralyze slightly at the sight of pink. Hold on. "Wait, wait, wait," Gakushuu intervenes.

"What is that?" He continues for instance, and squirms his finger away from Karma's hold.

Well, tries.

"It's a hello kitty band-aid," Karma claims. He attempts to dab it upon the minor cut on his finger, but Gakushuu shies away quickly.

"No. Stop, stop, stop, stop-"

"You're such a baby," Karma continues to persist.

"I have classes soon! That is highly unprofessional of me. I can't go out like this," Gakushuu tugs back.

"It's a small band-aid anyway. What are the chances someone will see?" Karma counters.

"Uh, hello? Does this shade of pink not strike out to you? Besides, where did you even find this-"

"It was in the cabinet! Now let me just-" Finally, Karma manages to get ahold of his arm. He's quick to apply the swab around his finger, and voila.

He keeps a vice-grip on Gakushuu, nonetheless. "Now," Karma says. "No taking it off until the rest of the day. A band-aid has its purposes."

"Yeah but not a ridiculous hello kitty themed one," Gakushuu grunts.

"That's too bad. There aren't any other, so suck it up," Karma mock-drawls.

"I want to see it for myself," Gakushuu says.

"Sure," Karma's nothing but smug.


"I'm done," Gakushuu sighs exaggeratedly. "You probably hid them, or god knows what. But my classes are starting soon, so whatever."

It's not whatever. Gakushuu is in turmoil. But a band-aid shouldn't be much to fret about, right? That doesn't count as a win for Karma.

No, it doesn't..


When Gakushuu opens the door, he expects to see nothing. But he does see something, and god does Karma have a whole lot of nerve.

There stood, on the table a few feet far away from him, a carton-box full of band-aids.

But not just that, they were already used and opened. It's all a mess, just a blanket full of already unwrapped bandages scattered around.

A mess it was.



ether way despite my motivation bein lik 📈📉📈📉📈📈📈📈📈📈 im totally open for any suggestions

altho idk if that has any play here

is ok!! AND I DIDNT FORGET ABOUT MY FORMER REQUESTS IM JUS,... taking extremely long im SORRY

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