snow the homewrecker

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listen hear me out

it was snowing for me and i saw this snow patch so i made a snowball and decided to bring it with me and eversince then its been living and chilling in my freezer

(thats them^^^ HAHHAHA)

ok but i didnt actually mean to steer this scenery to this whole jealousy fiasco i swear i just keep spacing out from the plotline which makes me soo angry at myself but thd ok

comment r appreicate! criticism ywlecomen

i havent done a summary in awhile so:

snowball, and karma is a hardcore stuff hoarder

"What is," Karma stopped, before wiggling his index finger at him. "that?"

"Nothing that should concern you," Gakushuu tsked, but he didn't hide the snowball he was weakly cradling in his arms.

"That's a horribly-shaped snowball," Karma said, eyeing him badly. "well, if you can even call it one."

Gakushuu blinked before he moved to place the snowball in his arms back in the freezer, the cold breath of wind nipping at Karma, before he looked at him once more.

"It's a snowball," Gakushuu confirmed, a rosy-like pink still smeared across his cheeks due to the chilling weather he had walked upon a few minutes ago.  "and I'm proud to say I made it."

"Why did you put it in the freezer?" Karma frowned. "what purpose does a measly snowball serve in our apartment?"

"Shut up," Gakushuu said flatly. "I just got drawn to it for some weird reason. And don't even try me, because compared to what I do, you go bonkers."

Karma blinked. "Okay, but a snowball, really?"

"I don't judge your life choices," Gakushuu pointed out hardly.

"What do you mean? It's basically your most favorite thing to do," Karma looked upset.

"Let me rephrase that," Gakushuu bit his lip. "I don't criticize your chattels to the point of making you dispose of them."

"What? Yes you do," Karma spoke passionately. "you're just mad that I ground myself whenever you yammer loudly about it."

"Can't say the same about those utensils you collected, huh?" Gakushuu taunted devilishly.

"They meant everything to me and you know it," Karma's voice wasn't as serious as it had been. In fact, he looked rather sheepish.

"Sure, let's just all ignore the fact that you–"

"Enough!" Karma flushed. "fine! You can keep that stupid snowball in the freezer for all I care. I don't care, you know that right?"

Now he just sounded desperate. "Okay," Gakushuu said, smiling lightly. "yeah, I know."

And if Karma's shoulders slightly relaxed to that soft look, Gakushuu didn't dare say anything about it other than a small, judgemental stare.

Karma jabbed him angrily.

Karma didn't think he'd see that snowball ever again other than it being nestled into the freezer, along with his packets of ice-cream.

But now? With Gakushuu's sleeves rolled up messily and his hands tucked under a fucking cooler, made Karma slightly paralyzed.

"Why would you do this," Karma eyed him when the other continued to move his arms, eyes still trained upon the knob of snow.

Stupid deformed snowball.

Gakushuu only looked up at him to answer. "because I wanted to make him comfortable to our humble accommodation," he hummed.

Karma didn't say much when he resumed back to his task, doing god knows what to that snowball, before he sighed tiredly.

"Why would you want to make an insentient chunk of snow feel welcome?" Karma asked dryly.

"Now you're just hurting its feelings," Gakushuu teased lightly, but he did stop his work to look at him once more.

"It's not alive, you know that right?" Karma mumbled.

"What's up with you?" There he went again, ignoring every little thing Karma said. "you look genuinely upset with Snow."

"Snow?" Karma snorted, before awkwardly dragging his feet a little to the right upon Gakushuu's glare. "I mean– nothing."

"Don't pull that shit on me now," Gakushuu tutted in. "just tell me what's wrong."

Karma huffed through his nose. "Ugh," he said annoyingly, mentally swallowing up his pride. "I may just be a.. teensy-weensy bit jealous. Like, just a bit, though."

"Karma," with cold, slightly rosy hands, he proceeded to dust off the speckles of snow freckled on them, all the while sparing him an exasperated look. "it's a knob of snow."

"I know!" Karma whined. "but you somehow make it seem so.. special, with the way you handle that poorly made snowball as if it were frail as glass and the most–"

"It is technically frail," Gakushuu jutted out his bottom lip. "it could melt within seconds."

"Shut up," Karma said, clicking his tongue.

"Karma," Gakushuu called out once more, but his tone was much more fond and softer. He strode over to him. "you do realize how stupid you sound, do you?"

Karma only flared his nostrils at him as they were soon almost chest-to-chest. "and," he continued. "you don't need to go on a whole rant about it, really, you could've just told me."

"..You knew," Karma glared.

"Yeah, I did," Gakushuu laughed loudly. "but I wanted to hear it from you."

"Oh my god, you asshole–"

"I'll repay you with affection and love!" Gakushuu decided within his fits of giggles, diving into Karma's arms, he peppered Karma with kisses on wherever his lips could reach.

Karma didn't seem to like that as he struggled weakly in the embrace, but it was funny seeing that he wasn't actually trying.

ugh i love snow its so beautiful when it freckles ur hair (or not, u could be bald too!!?) as if u were some type of disnwh princess...., so magical

omg i made them  so ooc in the end but thats OOOK 

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