lets dance bb😍😍😻😻😻😻😻😽😽😽😽😽

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sorry for no updates...... ive been so unmotivated,,, phsyically and mentally

and i still am but i had some motivation to write dis by reading sum karushuu fanfics to get back on my feet COS THEY MAKE ME FEEL BETZER but im try

anywo this may be a lil rusty but i havent writtien in months hhehehh

also i like... i wrote this in seperate parts so this may sound foken weird but i read it over again and it sounded OKAY


Prom night; it's elegant. Fluorescent colors are shining everywhere, and everything's neatly organized– and well, all that fancy–schmancy.

Karma, for one, had been more than prepared to cause chaos and weak havoc among that night; perhaps sprinkle in some wasabi sauce in the punch, or something nefarious, but not this.

Slow–dancing with your rival in the corner of a rather dark area? No, that had not been on his agenda as far as he knew, but, oh well.

The music that plays in the background is as gentle and slow as can be, perfect even, but Karma's rather more confused on how exactly this had happened.

And how he had managed to snatch Asano of all people. It's strange, especially over the fact that there were probably myriads of girls lining up for him, but hey, Karma's not letting this chance go.

Snaking a hand up along Gakushuu's shoulder, Karma smirks confidently at his rival–slash–dancing–partner. "Let's do this, partner."

"Okay, partner," Gakushuu mockingly mimics.

Gakushuu seems nonplussed at first, but seems to cooperate soon enough. "Um," he says, before his hand travels hesitantly up Karma's upper–torso. His fingertips feel icy under his skin despite being fully–clothed, but that's okay. Karma likes it even, sort of.

It makes his heart beat slightly faster.

Soon enough, they find their way. Their free hands find their way together, latching. It's sort of sudden in a way, and the sudden close contact caught Karma off–guard. But that's fine, too.

And with thus, they begin to sweep the dance–floor.

They sway side to side, arms on each other, but Karma decides that the minor gap that's between them does, quite frankly, not seem to stop the way eyes begin to wander.

Up close, he can smell the faint cologne of lavender from his dancing–partner, and he doesn't know why, but that's strangely enough to make Karma feel mushy and soft.

So what? Gakushuu's pretty. And now that they're closer than yet, Karma can even see the more prominent features of him.

And god, does Gakushuu not have a hair out of place. He'd never say it out loud, though. Gakushuu would not let him live that down.

"Akabane?" Gakushuu asks suddenly, but Karma pays no response. He continues to study him, half–distracted and half–

They take a turn, feet gliding. "Akabane," Gakushuu repeats slowly, before he decides to give Karma's upper–torso a squeeze a second later. "Hey. You with me, moron?"

Karma takes a surprised breath at the contact. Oh, that's new. "Yeah," he rasps, and eugh, when'd his voice get so dry? That's annoying. "Yeah, what's up?"

The music continues its gentle pace. "I don't know if you're aware," they take another turn. "But your hand.. it's sweaty. It's preposterous."

"Oh," Karma says. He doesn't quite let go yet, but only after moments of hesitation, he does. Their hands unlatch, and Karma yearns for Gakushuu's touch once more. "My bad." How needy.

"My bad?" Gakusuuu asks, amused. They've stopped their little show of a dance by now, and as if a spell had been broken, Karma feels a wave of relief wash over him.

Perhaps slow–dancing with Gakushuu's a bad idea. Shit, what was he even thinking? Clearly not straight.

"Yes. My bad," Karma answers dumbly.

"Your cheeks..." Gakushuu starts, and Karma's quick to slap a hand over his face, "are you flustered, Akabane?"

"Uh.. no," Karma curls his lips, before he quickly makes a gesture of looking at his wrist. "Oh my, would you look at the time? It's so late, I should really get going-" Good going, genius.

"But there isn't even anything on your–"



"I said bye!"

"Wow Gakushuu, how did you manage to chase your date away like that? Especially Akabane of all people."

"Shut up," Gakushuu grumbles, in a bad mood, "Akabane was never my date to begin with."

"Uh-uh," Ren eyes him smugly. "Sure."

ive never been to prom ill just say but i solely did dis based on a picture LMAO so i dnno if i did this right or nawt
also yes j wanted to confirm that both karma and gakkushuu are in formal attire ofc

im tryna update more but im still having a hard time writing

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