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please don't hesitate to comment!! i appreciate it!!

this is plain crack and romance because i can, also big thanks to this song (rude by magic) cuz that's basically the whole oneshot(?)

(lmaoao im sorry about the requests, might take awhile since i'm working on chapter 2 on catfish rnnnn)


It's a nice saturday morning, Karma supposes as he jumps out of bed, preparing for the big day that lies ahead of him.

'Course, that consists of putting on his best suit, contemplating his life choices for a good six seconds, before shrugging and going 'fuck it'.

And no, that's not it, because he's still planning this so called big day of his. By proposing.

Yeah, yeah, that's a big step, and you're too young so blah blah blah– shut up. Karma is fully prepared of the consequences this time. (This time?)

..Mostly. He's not sure if he's prepared for the Asano household yet. And their approval.

But it's worth it if he gets to see his beloved soon-to-be-fiancée.

Yes, he's that confident.


"Karma.. you called me here.. to.. buy you a pack of chocolates..?"

"Heart-shaped, specifically. Now get out, I need to do my hair."

"You could have called!" Nagisa cries out.

".. What's the fun in that?"


So here he is, standing infront of the Asano household, alone. He stares at the door with a fixed glare, as if he were practicing something.

Maybe he's trying to make himself look more intimidating. Or maybe he's trying to scare the door alone, in hopes that this thing opens by itself.

And the only thing his dumb brain can provide is; Is it working?

This is absurd. And kind of stupid.

I mean, with the way people were starting to stare at some random teenager wearing a fancy suit, holding a carton of chocolates that are formed in the shape of a heart, and his amazing hair, it's bound to be noticed.

Why did he come here again?

Oh yeah, the Asano household likes it old-fashioned. Figures.

The door opens suddenly. Karma is not prepared.

Wow, did his glaring really wor—

"Akabane?" Gakuho questions with a hard face, before pausing as he notices Karma's fancy clothes. "what are you doing."

It's not a question, it's a statement. And Karma respects that in a mutual level. Really, Karma couldn't ask for a better father-in-law.

He's your former principal, what the fuck do you mean by that–

"Um?" Is all Karma says instead. Before blinking as a figure seems to walk past in the background, and the tufts of strawberry blond hair isn't anything to go by.

"Karma." Gakushuu greets, dreadful. And that's that.

Karma can't handle the pressure.

"Alright fuck it," Karma says, mentally screaming, "can I have your son for the rest of my life?"


Gakushuu is the one to recover first from his shock. Karma sweat-drops.

"Father," Gakushuu says, trying to sound monotone but the eagerness is evident, "say yes."

Karma mentally fist-bumps himself.  

Gakuho, who's still gaping, blinks rapidly at his son. What. "Certainly not."

Karma scowls at that. And even Gakushuu seems unhappy with the way he frowns.

He turns back to Karma, "Listen here," Gakuho commands sternly, "you'll never get my blessing until the day I die."

Karma can feel the trickling aura, but remains steady.

"Afraid to say, but tough luck, the answer is no, now leave."

Damn, how rude can you get?


"Karma.." Gakushuu says, frowning as Karma's figure seems to get smaller from the distance.

Then, Karma turns, and with a cheerful grin he yells, "Don't worry! I'll be coming back!"

He leaves out the 'for you' part, but Gakushuu already knows that with he way his shoulders slump in relief.

"Please don't," Gakuho says grimly from the background. Gakushuu ignores him.


what the hell am i doing

actually wait i hope this makes sense?? cuz i'm not sure myself

Karushuu ScenariosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora