karma theyre just ducks

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Gakushuu and Karma go on a date with a walk around the dock. They meet a special guest.

aka i just wanted to write karma being scared of ducks


"It's just a duck," Gakushuu said, holding back a snort as the duck squawked, making Karma yelp.

"What do you mean it's just a duck?!" Karma screamed, startling both Gakushuu and the duck at the same time, "It's not just a duck! It's a.. it's a monster!"

Gakushuu blinked, surprised at Karma's outburst. Just what happened to him? "Why are you so scared of ducks anyway. What could they have possibly done to you?"

In the background, the duck seemed to make a crow of agreement, making Karma whip his head towards it, glaring at it, but it didn't quite look as sharp as it usually did.

"Quack!" The duck shot back, despite Karma's hard stare.

"It's just.." He hesitated, and it's only now that Gakushuu realized how vulnerable he looked. "A duck ambushed me when I was seven years old.. shut up, and don't tell anyone."

Karma's cheeks were red, and Gakushuu wanted to laugh at him so badly. But he's nice, so he didn't. Although it's very tempting.

Instead, he decided to offer the boy a smile. Karma was cute when embarrassed. Ignore that. "Okay, how about we leave then?"

Karma breathed a sigh of relief, and with that, they settled their date somewhere else.

Without any ducks in sight, this time.

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