give the boy the ability to lay eggs

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Gakushuu gets a moment time alone with drunk Karma. Somehow. Don't ask.


"And then I told them I wanted the ability to lay eggs and—"

Gakushuu cuts him off. "Oh my god," He says.

Karma chokes on a sob. Maybe it's the alcohol but he could really go for some ramen right now. "What." Karma counters, sniffing.

"You're drunk," Gakushuu wheezes, "never though I would see you like this, Akabane."

"It's Karma to you!"

Gakushuu freezes. "Uh," He blinks, "I don't think-"

"Call me Karma," Karma demands, eyes still puffy with tear streaks, but he's trying. Gakushuu has to bite back a smile as the other fails to keep his posture straight, trying to make himself look more threatening.

It's not working, but Gakushuu appreciates the effort.

"No," He huffs, smirking when Karma only whines and slumps in defeat. Drunk Karma is so much easier to deal with, and Gakushuu will savor every single moment.

"Please," Karma pleads, and wow, he's capable of doing that? "Just call me Karma! I'll even be satisfied when you atleast say it once."

He also hates how easily he gives in with those stupid puppy eyes. It's.. annoying, Gakushuu hates him. "Ugh," He says, he can't believe he's actually saying it, "Fine, Karma."

Karma pouts, Gakushuu likes to ignore the rapid beating in his chest. It should really shut up. "Really?" Karma deadpans, or tries to, "You make it sound like I'm the most disgusting thing you laid eyes on."

Gakushuu wrinkles his nose. "Who said you weren't?" He laughs, failing to see the beaming look Karma sends him, the mere fascination clear on his face.

"Wow," Karma breathes, "I think that was the most beautiful thing I heard."

Gakushuu sizzles. Karma ignores that, and continues to ramble about the most random things, yet now, he looks much more content basking under Gakushuu's presence.


aw yiss, drunk karma.., also i think i lied about the not updating much part, these one shot scenarios got me hooked

i apologize if this is ooc?? but then again all stories i write involve the characters being ooc

again!! please do not hesitate in commenting!! i would really appreciate it!!,

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