i crashed my car into a bridge

532 23 55

please don't hesitate to commentnntntnt111!!! i'd appreciate it!!!

ya screw my break,,


(requests will be done soon!!)


uhhh this WHOLE thing is crack, not gonna summarize bc idk


Karma appears at his window at 4AM. Gakushuu doesn't know how to feel about that.

"I.. crashed my car into a bridge," Karma confesses the moment the window opens, breath rigged.

"You.. crashed your car into a bridge," Gakushuu repeats, slowly, "Karma.. what went wrong with you?"

He doesnt even look at him. Instead, he looks behind Karma, blinking at the powders of smoke that seems to form in the background, and Gakushuu's mind goes blank.

It's too early for this..

Karma doesn't even look sorry with the way he flashes him a smirk, eyes gleaming as the adrenaline still pumps through his veins.

Gakushuu wants to go back to bed.

"It was.. exhilarating," Karma explains, eyes sparking, and Gakushuu face-palms, "I watched it and let it burn, too."

Gakushuu kisses his teeth.

"Yeah, must explain whatever the hell is happening there," Gakushuu comments with a sneer, gesturing towards the puffs of smog from the distance.

"It looks cool, doesn't it?" Karma remarks, nonchalant.

Gakushuu pinches the bridge of his nose. "Please riddle me this," He breathes out, "why."

"Why what?"

"Why everything," Gakushuu sighs, "Is this supposed to be a joke? If so, you're not funny."

"What? 'Course not," Karma frowns, almost offended. Gakushuu sometimes wonders what's really going through his mind, "It's just.."

"Spit it out," Gakushuu hisses out, "I really don't need you standing here any longer–"


"I don't care," Karma shrugs with a grin.


"So.. you're telling me you did all of this just to come here and tell me.. that you don't care," Gakushuu says, slowly, "this is a joke."

Karma laughs at him right after that. "Your face! Priceless! Holy shit– Ah!"

Gakushuu flicks him on the forehead. At that, Karma loses his balance on the ladder he had been supporting himself on, causing him to fall off, shrieking.

"You're so lucky I didn't call the cops on you," Gakushuu glares down at him, before slamming the window shut.

Karma doesn't like the taste of grass in his mouth.


honestly idk what i wrote,, i just wanted to write karma being extra,, at something .. OK?1?

will miss u luna_uchiha ❤️❤️❤️❤️😫 hope u return soon!!!1

here sum karushuu content providers while we're at it;

don't know many ppl, but this'll do anajasjh

gosh i'm so sorry for any spelling mistakes, it's like 2am and i'm hella tired

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