that moment when u suddenly become a dad: what

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k this is the moment where i act like i always post things early and never miss a date so

HAPPY BIRTHDAY O_Oh_Ok !! party hat emoji party hat emoji 🎈 🎊 partyplaetyzpartyuparty 🎉 🎉 🎉 hearthwartheart ❤️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️  enjoz

dedicated to O_Oh_Ok

can i also just say that gakushuu is a big softie with his cat and kinda liks... baby talks to them in the start?? bear with me becos i luv me some animal loving

i had to cut it short bcus i thought it was getting too long,, notes always seems ro fool me with the number of paragraphs

also not proof read but then again whats mew??? i need to go sleepz lol

Gakushuu huffs when he hears the stack of papers next to him crumple and rumple – again, may he add – and wills himself to look beside him, before he frowns.

"Princess, Darling," he pointedly brushes aside the messy heap of papers that scatters around the carpet as he tickles under the feline's ears, "Why must you do this now?"

Princess' eyes sharpen beneath the lamp he had on, and her divine coat he had brushed upon for hours adds such a beaut shine to the spot, he almost coos.

But, he doesn't, because that's stupid.

.. "Oh, but you're just so cutesy," he tots with the way she keens and rubs against his hand, almost affectionate, and– huh?

"Actually, you're usually not this touchy–feely," he points out, but continues to pet her anyway, "What's going on, dearest?"

"Mrreow," she purrs contently with a rasp, before she fully lays down to roll over  – which furthermore knocks over his stash of pens – and reveals her wide, fluffy underbelly.

It shouldn't surprise him, since Princess does that most of the time, but– "You've been putting on some weight," he points out.

Princess blinks up at him slowly. "I mean, that's nothing bad," Gakushuu says quickly, "But I probably wouldn't have recognised that under that thick pelt of yours."

She meows meekly. Gakushuu takes the time to caress Princess around particular areas – her flank, the tip of her muzzle, pointy ears, – the list goes on, really.

"Thinking of," he starts, "You've been awful lot hungry lately," he murmurs, pauses, then, "Is something going on, huh, Sweetie?"

Another soft noise erupts from her. "And so vocal, oh my," he laughs as he strokes past her sides, "I wonder why."

Silence, then, "Wait."

Gakushuu feels odd when he slowly – and experimentally – leans a hand down to gently rub her stomach, almost hesitant, and..

He doesn't wander too long before he feels something stiff and stumpy brush against his fingers, and he almost yelps at the sensation.

He doesn't stop, though, as he carefully brushes the streaks of white fur that surrounds the nub out of the way, and– a gasp. "Oh goodness gracious."

"You're pregnant?!"

"She's pregnant. Congratulations."

"What," Gakuho says.

"I second that," Gakushuu says, "What."

"Mhmm. Look," the veterinarian showcases the ultrasound right next to them, and moves the wand that grounds Princess' belly, "There."

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