APODYOPSIS 😌😉😉😊😗😊😊😊😗😊😉😉😊😉😊😊😉

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its 4am an im sullpssd fo be out tomrr

but i was so stubbron in finishig this >>>:((((((( i alsl listened to the same somg for two hours in a row ajd i can assure yu, i hate the somgnow

also kind ds of crack oke i dnno what iws writing ill be honesf it just keeps dissolving into jealous karma odk

i swear yo frickn god i dont do thay on purpose


"That guy is not good for you. Hell, even I would be better for you and I'm your enemy," Karma's warm breath fans over his curved ear.

It's so sudden, everything had been. The comment that's been so casually thrown, the proximity that engulfs them, to all the way his brain ceases to function for a few moments. What the hell. What. What. What.

Gakushuu's brain short–circuits. "What," he frowns, because what? What the hell's going on? And what's Karma on about, even?

Why's this even happening to him? Gakushuu just wants to enjoy his lunch goddamnit. Not whatever this is. Can't that moron take a hint?

He just wants to eat. Why can't he have this?

He had half the mind to snark out a, ' Don't you have to be stupid somewhere else? ' but that stays onto the tip of his tongue when Karma opens his annoying mouth to speak.

"I see you staring at him," Karma says as he knowingly peels himself off Gakushuu's side, the breath of his nose momentarily fawning over his neck. "You're not that slick, Shuu."

"What," that seems to be the only word he can utter out today, and it's stupid. He feels stupid. What the hell. "Leave me alone." Please.

"I'm just saying," there he goes again, ignoring everything he said as if he were just not even there. "You could do much better. Tokuda Yasu, right? He's good–looking, I suppose, but–"

"Oh my god," Gakushuu barely even realizes the fact that Karma had long slid over the seat next to him. Bastard. "What do you mean?"

"Okay, fine," the moment Gakushuu relaxes at these – oddly comforting – words, Karma just has to open his mouth again. He may as well be talking nonsense at this point, because Gakushuu has no clue what he's even on about. "I guess he's above average, but that's like, at best. My pity point, you can say. I just don't see the appeal. What do you see in him, huh?"

There's something about Karma's tone that just sounds passive-aggressive, strained and maybe, perhaps, mildly hurt, but Gakushuu can't confirm jack–shit. Karma's always been hard to read. Tough cookie to crack, definitely.

Yet, he'd be lying if he said that didn't catch his interest, even in the slightest. "What," he says for what's probably been the fifth time, and his eyes scan the throng of students for this ' Tokuda Yasu '. "Uh, not much, I suppose."

Well, he wasn't necessarily expecting someone with a broad signboard tied around their neck labeled as ' Tokuda Yasu ' for the whole world to see, but that would've been helpful.

Karma looks confused. He's confused. Great, now they're both confused. "Huh," Karma's nose wrinkles. Kind of cute. "What?"

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