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ALSO CAN I JUST SAY IDK ANYTHING ABT TEA,, AND JUST DID MY RESEARCH)?? (correct me if i did anything wrong, pLS)

although i'm craving for tea rn

(WARNING; totally ooc karma and gakushuu because they like,,, make friends instead of becoming rivals,, this is really fluffy with a twinge of angst.)

lowercase intended!!

gakushuu is a softie here idk, but so is karma tbh

fuck i forgot to do a double check but i'm too tired so #yolo


"the cabin which lurks in the woods, is a tea shop who steps afoot,"

(when did i become a poet writer lol??)


the gentle chimes of bells vibrate through the small, timber cabin. the wood creaks as someone strides in, alerting their presence.

gakushuu blinks at the brash noise. he halts his movements as his eyes dart to the suspect, eyes glimmering.

"welcome," gakushuu murmurs softly, matching the warm atmosphere.

"hey," the boy greets, nervous.

"so, what would you like? are you here to look around?" gakushuu ponders, "or, are you in need of recommendations?"

the look on the boy says it all, and gakushuu feels pride swell within him as the boy suddenly nods, eager.

"um– yeah, actually, i do," the boy grins awkwardly, "i have, well, anxiety. and, uh, i get easily angry, too."

gakushuu nods along as he swiftly places a jar back in place, the sprinkles of peppermint making his nose crinkle.

he blinks as the boy suddenly shambles from behind him within a minute. the smell of tea smothers the area, reeking.

gets nervous when quiet, he notes.

"well, you know what they all say," gakushuu muses as his eyes roam the shelves, "a cup of tea is a cup of peace."

the boy laughs, making gakushuu smile from behind. "i guess you're right," he says. "my name's karma, by the way."

"gakushuu," he retaliates with a soft grin, making karma practically melt.

"well, we have a lot of choices, like for example peppermint tea, chamomile tea, rose petals tea, valerian tea–"

"slow down, slow down," karma chides in with a soft wheeze, "i don't know anything about tea. but what about valerian tea?"

"oh!" gakushuu's eyes light up, "valerian tea has an ancient remedial history. it's known for reducing the state of insomnia and nervousness that might accompany with anger–"

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