big five do be hatingg#hatersgonnahatehatehategg

270 14 13

hahahahahh its like 3am lekskeksjs

title is self explanatory thats all ima say



Gakushuu draws his eyes to the bento in front of him, and frowns at it. It's not about the food quality, or anything like that, but god, he's getting no appetite like this.

"For the love of mary," Gakushuu heaves his gaze upwards to be met with a plethora of faces, "I don't get why this is necessary."

Karma hums from beside him, an arm long thrown over his shoulders as he looks up from his phone. "I agree 100 percent," he says.

"I'm so confused," Ren looks vacantly at them, "When did this happen? And why?"

"We just kinda," Karma searches for the right word, "boinged."

"Boinged?" Gakushuu snorts.

"Boinged," Karma confirms.

"This is so weird," Teppei remarks, "And also a pity. There are so many more better fish in the sea, you know?"

"I'm literally right here," Karma says.

"I know," Gakushuu pointedly ignores him as he curls furthermore into Karma's side, "But he's not that bad."

"I wasn't talking to you," Teppei rolls his eyes, then looks at Karma, "How do you put up with him? I surely couldn't last longer than a day."

Karma fucking laughs, and Gakushuu elbows him in the ribs in turn. He only smiles once he hears Karma stop mid–laugh to wheeze.

"You guys are idiots," Gakushuu stands up, completely abandoning his food, "I'm going."

"Shuuey–boo–" Karma whines and moves to trail after him, pocketing his phone mid–walk, and they can gradually hear the 'Karma, what the hell?' from afar. It's loud, that's for sure.

"Shuuey–boo," Koyama mimics.

"Stop that right now," Tomoya demands,  horrified, "That's the most horrendous pet–name ever."

"You don't say," Ren says sarcastically.

"I don't get it, what kind of appeal do you see in Karma Akabane?" Ren exaggerates.

"He's," Gakushuu hesitates, biting his lip momentarily, "You're misunderstanding him."

"What," Ren says.

"Karma's," Gakushuu thinks, "He's like a sequel of a movie you've never really wanted, but got anyway, and it's like," he pauses, "You watch it, get entertained by it, and then you start thinking to yourself, that; 'Oh, this isn't so bad,' and, well, you just can't help but start actually liking it."

Ren stares at him weirdly. "Really?"

"Yes really, which is weird since," Gakushuu frowns at himself, "I don't.. usually like sequels."

"No, I meant, really? That's a weird example," Ren taps his chin, "Although, I do see it."

"Yeah okay," Gakushuu eyes him weirdly.

"Is it really okay to do this?" Teppei asks as he adjusts the long, brown trench coat on him, and the lapels on this coat are big

"Weren't you the one who felt sorry for Akabane?" Koyama whispers from next to him, an exact replica of clothing on him.

"I still stand by that statement," Teppei huffs, before he grunts once he feels a kick to the leg.

"Stop it you two," Ren warns, another replica of clothing on him. "I just want to know if they're actually happy or not together."

"Gakushuu literally smiled four times today," Tomoya remarks, eyeing them suspiciously, "And that's all because of Akabane himself."

"Why aren't you wearing your suspicious coat, hat, and shady glasses?" Teppei asks, frowning.

"Oh," Tomoya says, looks down upon himself, then back to them, "No clue."

"Because," Ren cuts back in, "Well, I just thought i'd get to see it better myself."

"So you thought stalking was a good idea," Koyama rolls his eyes, "Good going, genius."

"Thank you," Ren puffs his chest out.

"They're watching," Karma whispers from where they sat on a bench, and the beacon of greenery that surrounds them looks strangely nice along the patches of flowers.

(Well, excluding the four boys in the background, that is.)

"Let them," Gakushuu's eyes roll as he lets his head fall on Karma's shoulder, and he can practically feel their staring, "Idiots."

"That one doesn't even have any cover on," Karma snorts loudly, and an arm snakes their way around his torso, pulling him closer.

An idea flashes in his mind. "Kiss me," Gakushuu demands highly.

"What?" Karma looks at him.

"Kiss me," he says, "They'll go away afterwards."

"How do you know?" Karma frowns.

"Is that even a question? They're my dumb–supposed–friends, I know what they're up to," Gakushuu says as he grabs onto the nape of Karma's neck, and slowly guides Karma to him.

Karma stops. "Okay, firstly, if you want to kiss me, then you better do it like this," Karma says back, meets his gaze, then fully surges forward.

i always end it with a kiss scene i dont egen knw why maybe its bcos im toot ired hahahah

ill try a diff approach next time🤔🤔🤔

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