oh no i'm sick...... oh noooo... anyways take care of ME? 👉👈

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sorry for no update my motivation been down bad for reals for reals


A knock.

"Akabane," Gakushuu calls out to the front door of Karma's apartment. The gilded plaque of 239 glares down at him from where he stood. Another knock. "Open up."

Gakushuu waits, and while he waits, he also dreads. He didn't really... wish, to be here in the first place – no not at all thank you –but since he, shamefully so, did lose the bet they'd done last week, he had no choice but. Which–

"Coming!" Karma's raspy voice reaches his ears. Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle.

"When is coming?" Gakushuu mutters under his breath. Twenty seconds go by.

He briefly considers reneging on Karma during that time, (like he thought about doing a hundred times beforehand), then pointedly dismisses that idea again because he then thinks I'm not a coward.

Because he's not, mind you, and if that means he's going to have to spend a couple of minutes long with that hell-bent imp to prove so, then he'll fucking do so.


Suddenly, the door clicks open. Gakushuu looks. A very distraught Karma then peeks out and all the bracing for the moment thoughts fly into the window as soon as he actually looks.

A beat of silence. "You look... sick," Gakushuu says... hesitantly. "Is that why you were absent this day?"

Karma rolls his eyes at him. Jerk. Sorry for worrying th– no, asking. Asking then. Stupid. "Yes," Akabane sniffles.

"Oh," Is all that Gakushuu can say, then tucks the plastic bag he had been holding to him more. "I can't give you this then."

"What," Karma frowns at him, then down at the plastic bag. "Why not?"

"The bet we made. I was supposed to either make food for you or buy you take-out of my choice," Gakushuu cringes at the memory. "I obviously went for the take-out option."

Disappointment flickers in Akabane's eyes. Asano blinks away. "Next time I won't be so nice Asano–kun," He says tauntingly, then, "But I don't see the problem?"

"Idiot. You're sick," It's Gakushuu's turn to frown at him. "I can't give you this... It's not.. OK.. for your immune system."

The word 'good,' almost slips out of his mouth instead, but then he'd sound like he were actually worried or something. Which, he's not, by the way.

A wicked grin spreads across Akabane's ill-looking face. "Are you worried about me, Asano–san?"

He's not. "I'm not."

"Really?" Karma places a hand on his hip, chin held high. "Because I don't see any other reason on why I can't just take it."

"Idiot, didn't you get me the first time?" Gakushuu whisper-shouts, shooing away when Karma makes a gesture to swipe at the plastic bag. It's like talking to a bad-tempered six year old. "It's not... OK.. with that flu you've got going on."

Dammit, he sounds worried, does he? Rest assured, he's not.

"But you just said you weren't worried about me," Karma pouts at him, and Asano feels like he's being played. Somehow. "So why do you care?"

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