Word count: 1005
The first time he stays for a sleepover
—Y/N's POV
It's the first time Jeno's going to stay over at my place for the night. We aren't dating for so long so it's really something special. I got different snacks ready and a big bottle of his favourite soda. I took a few extra pillows out and put new clean covers on my bed. I hope it's enough and that he'll like it. I also got a few movies and games for him to choose out what we could do. I'm actually nervous for nothing.
The bell rang. I had just lit a candle for a better scent. I open the door and smile seeing my boyfriend stand there with his bag. "Hey!" He shows his eye smile. "Hi, I'm so happy you're here!" I hug him. "Aww do cute." He chuckles. "Come in." I pull him inside. "Woah it smells so sweet here." He inhales the scent. "Candles, you like it?" He nods with a smile. "Let me take your bag." I say. "I can carry it, it's fine." He says. "But at least put it in my room so it's not in the way."
"Are you nervous?" He asks me. "A little bit." Jeno takes me in a hug. "Don't be. It's just me." He gave a kiss on top of my head. "But if I do something wrong you might don't want me anymore." I pout. "What? Are you crazy? Baby you're everything I ever want and need. I can't live without you." He makes some cute and funny faces. "Stop acting so cute, it's killing!" I playfully hit his shoulder. "Me acting cute? When?" He pretended. "Don't act dumb. You know good enough." He laughs. "Okay okay, I'll bring my bag to your room now."
As Jeno went to my room and I to the kitchen. I got the snacks on a plate and a small bowl. I placed it onto the coffee table. "Babe you want something to drink?" I ask. "Yeah sure, what you got?" I opened the fridge as suddenly his arms wrap around my waist. "Oh you got my favourite!" He looked over my shoulder. "Specially for you." I smile. "Aw thank you." He kisses my cheek. He gotta stop being so cute. I took the bottle and poured him a glass.
"I got movies and games, whatever you like to do." I tell him. "I like to cuddle with you." He tells me. "Jeno you're too sweet! But don't you wanna play a game or watch something on tv? I know you like to do that." I say. "But I wanna cuddle with you." He pouts. "Then we'll cuddle." We go back to the living room. "Ooh candy." He sees the snacks. "Take as much as you want. I still got a lot left." He takes a hand full, He was enjoying it. He takes me in his arms and lays down. "I love you." He whispers loud enough to hear. "I love you too."
He caresses my back with his one hand, the other holding me close. "Is something wrong?" I ask him. "No, why'd you ask?" I shrug. "I don't know, You're being really clingy." I say. "You're not comfortable with that? I'm sorry, I don-" I cut him off. "No I like it, I just was curious." I say. "Nah I'm fine. I'm just so happy to be with you." He tells me. "Me too." I snuggle closer. We suddenly hear the doorbell. "Who's that?" Jeno asks. "I don't know." I got up to open the door.
"Mark, Haechan, Jaemin? What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "We just wanted to chill. That's okay right?" They ask. "U-uh sure. Yeah, come... come in." The 3 walked inside. "Ooh snacks." Haechan took some. Where did Jeno go to? I questioned to myself. "Ooh it smells great here." Jaemin commented. "Movies and oh games! Y/n are you having someone over?" Mark asks. "Oh guys hey." Jeno smiles as he came back from the bathroom. There he was. "Jeno?" The three look at him in surprise. They didn't know we're dating yet.
"Why are you here?" Jaemin asks him. "To hangout with y/n of course." He tells them. "Alone? Yeah sure. What's going on here?" Haechan asks. "Donghyuck, it doesn't mean something's going on. Be nice." Mark tells him. "What? Snacks, movies and games, his favourite drink, scented candles. There's definitely something going on." I sigh and look at Jeno. "Okay yes we're dating." Jeno tells them. "Can you now please leave us alone, we're having a date here yeah." He pulls me closer and keeps his arms around my waist as he watches the guys leave. "Wait, does that mean you won't be at the dorm tonight?" Jaemin asks. "Just leave."
I chuckle. "Whatever where were we?" He asks me. "Cuddles up on the couch. But I'm hungry I'm gonna cook first." I say. "Okay. Can I help with anything?" He asks me. "You're the guest, you should sit and relax." I tel him. "I'm your boyfriend, I shouldn't let you do everything on your own." He sighs. We started cooking together, it was really fun. And of course Jeno couldn't help but to still act cute and give me some hugs and kisses here and there. He'll never stop, I guess.
"What side do you usually sleep?" Jeno asks. "Left." I tell him. "Then I'll lay on the right side." He tells me. "Do you snore?" I ask. "No do you?" I shook my head. We both got into bed, it was already really late. "Can we hug?" Jeno asks me. "Hug or cuddly?" I ask. "Isn't that pretty much the same?" He giggles. I wrap my arms around him and my head against his chest. His hand resting on my waist. "Goodnight." I tell him. "Wait, no goodnight kiss?" He asks. I giggle and give him a quick kiss. "Goodnight baby." He tells me.
A/N: Jeno would give the best hugs and cuddles, no one can change my mind, okay but Johnny and Yuta will also give amazing hugs and Jungwoo and Xiaojun... nvm everyone will give the best hugs!

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FanfictionNCT OT23 {requests: closed} Taeil Johnny Taeyong Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Shotaro Sungchan Chenle Jisung