Word count: 1019
!¡Mental hospital!¡
"She'll be fine right? With the other patients around?" I was zoning out as my mom talked with the headmaster. "Y/n, time to say bye." I snapped out of the deep conversations I was having with myself. "Bye?" I repeated confused. "Yes, you won't be seeing your mother the next coming month. But no worries we'll see how you evaluate." The lady smiles. "Okay sweetheart. You know I only did this for your own health. I still love you." Mom hugs me and pressed a kiss onto my head. I didn't react.
We walk into a room. "Where's mr Kim? He's not in his room." One of the men asks all I could think was: who's mr Kim? "You called my name?" A guy leaned against the door frame. "Yes you, why did you leave your room? You know you're not supposed to leave without a nurse." He sighs and sits on one of the beds. "Y/n this is your room. Your bed, we check every hour. You may leave your room to go to the common room or the cafeteria. If he misbehaves just tell us. Will you be alright?" I nod.
After the nurses left I walk to my bed and sit down. "Aren't you going to unpack?" The guy asks. "I'm Doyoung..." he got cut off. "Dongyoung." Some weird kid walks in screaming the name. "Shut up and leave! Everyone calls me Doyoung!" He throws a shoe at the door and the other person left. "So who are you?" He smiles. "You don't talk much I see. Luckily I caught your name from the nurse, y/n am I right? Are you telling me why you're here or do I figure that out by myself as well?"
"Can I go to the common room? You know I don't like being stuck in here." Doyoung complains to a nurse. "Fine. Not for long though. Y/n are you coming too? You haven't been out yet." I look at the nurse then at Doyoung. He gives me a certain look. I slowly get up and follow them. The common room was very bright with a lot of windows but they were barricaded as in prison. "Come let's sit there." Doyoung reaches for my wrist but I pull away quickly. "Oh. Sorry. Please follow and sit with me." He softly says.
I follow him and sit with him, on the floor at the window. "You can trust me, really. I know everything about everyone here and I keep it all secret." He tells me. "I'm here because of a trauma. I'm not dealing it well so my mom send me here." I tell him. "Do you want to be here?" He asks. I shook my head. "If you pretend to be fine and getting better they'll let you go. I do too." He says. "Then why is it that you can't leave your room?" I ask. "My previous roommate irritated me so I did everything to make it stop."
My eyes widened. "You killed someone?" Doyoung loudly laughs. "No! I made them lose their mind even more. They got replaced to another building and I got isolated for a few days." He explains. "And why are you originally here?" I ask. "Who knows, maybe it's the depression, maybe the aggression, maybe because my parents honestly don't want me and it was easier to lie and get me into a mental hospital." I gasp. "I'm sorry." I apologise. "Y/n you really think your mother put you here because of your trauma? You really believe she cares about you?"
"No." I say. "You want to leave with me? We can get a nice place for ourselves. Who needs parents?" He chuckles. "Doyoung." We both look up to see a nurse. "Y/n don't listen to him, he's just playing your mind." I look out in front of me. Who do I trust? "Doyoung time to go back to your room." He gets up and goes to the room again. I get up and follow behind. "You don't have to go to your room because Doyoung has." I ignore the words and walk in, sitting on my bed anyway.
2 months had passed. Everything remained the same. Except, now Doyoung can walk freely around. He can leave the room if he wants to. We sat at the same spot again in the common room. I motioned Doyoung to be quiet. "It's been 2 months since she arrived. Doyoung has an influence on her. They never seperate and she only talks with him, no one else." I hear the doctors speak. "You really hear everything huh?" He says unbelievable. "Thanks to my dad." I smiled. "Who's your dad? You never talk about him."
"Because he might be the reason I'm in here. Anyway have you heard anything about your release yet?" I ask. "Y/n why are you avoiding my question?" He asks. "What question?" I say confused. "Who's your dad and why do you never talk about him? I want to know." He tells me. "And I don't want to talk about it okay! Leave that man out of it! I don't want to hear about it like EVER!" I yell and run off to our room, slamming the door behind me. He's been the best for these past months and now he has to do this, for what?
Doyoung walks back into the room after his appointment with the therapist. "How was it?" I ask. He didn't answer, he just took out his luggage from under his bed and started packing his clothes. "Why are you doing that?" I ask. "Doyoung answer me!" He takes a deep breath. "I'm going to another hospital." He tells me. "Why? Where to? I'm going with you!" I say taking out my suitcase. "No y/n. You stay here. I'm leaving because I know it's better for your health. I'm a bad influence. I loved you but I have to say goodbye now." He kisses my forehead before closing his suitcase and leaving.
A/N: actually wanted to write this differently but it ended up like this and I guess it can work out as well💚🌱

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