Word count: 1040
You both flirt without realising
We walk into class and I quickly noticed Chenle. I smile and wave at him before sitting at my desk. We had eye contact for a few seconds. "Hey." Sungchan popped up in front of me. "Yah, don't scare me so much." I hit his shoulder. "Ouch!" He exclaims. "That didn't hurt." I say. "Anyway, flirting with Chenle I see." He says in a teasing way. "What no, we're not flirting. I don't even know how to flirt." I say. "You're indeed not good but you definitely are flirting."
I roll my eyes. "You want me to ask him if he likes you?" Sungchan asks me. "You don't dare to." I say. "Bet. I have gym class with him later, I'll ask him." I didn't believe he'd do so I decided to ignore his words. "Y/n hey. So there's a party this weekend, are you going?" Chenle asks me. "Is it the party Haechan's organising?" I asked. "Yeah it is. Sungchan you could come too Of course." Chenle smiles at him. "I'll have to ask first. But I'm sure y/n can come." He answered in my place.
"Well yeah, I'll be there." I tell Chenle. "Great." The teacher then walks in. "Good morning class please take a seat." I glare at Sungchan. "You know how strict my parents are, they won't let me go!" I whispered to him. "Just tell them you're having a sleepover, at my place. My parents won't be home so it's fine anyway. We can go together and then you can stay the night and your parents don't even have to know." He tells me. "Are you sure it'll work?" I ask. "Of course, and then you and Chenle can quit the flirting and actually start dating."
"How many times, we're not flirting." I sigh. "How many times, it's so obvious." He laughs. "Sungchan please keep quiet." The teacher scolds. "Oh sorry, it won't happen again." He quickly apologises. "I'm still gonna ask him anyway." He tells me. "No you're not." I say. "If I do, you're staying over this weekend and we're going to the party." I shake his hand as we made this promise. I'm so going to regret this, I already know. But there's no way back. I look at Chenle who was focused on class, am I going to regret it though?
"So I asked him." Sungchan smiles. "And what did he say?" I ask. "You're going to tell her right? No I'm not answering that question, I know you 2 are best friends." He exactly says what Chenle must've said. "Aha so he doesn't like me and I don't have to go to that party." I smile. "Woah, who said he doesn't like you? That's the exact sign that he does like you. And the deal was if I ask you go no matter the answer and I asked so you're going." I groan in annoyance. He's always right.
I arrived at Sungchan's house. I placed down my bag and sit on the couch. "Ready for the party tonight?" He asks. "No." I shortly answer. "Then let's get you ready, you do have something nice with you as an outfit right?" He asks. "My sister helped me." I tell him. "Which one? Pre school sister or college sister?" He asks. "College of course. She was suspicious the moment I said I was going to stay the night here so I had to tell her." I explain. "You don't think she'll tell your parents right?" I shook my head.
"I know too much from her, if she tells them I can easily back fire with the many times I caught her sneaking out." I laugh. "Well okay then, let's get you ready, don't just sit there." He takes my bag and pushed me upstairs to the bathroom so I could get ready. I wore the outfit and did nothing much but the basic makeup I always do. "And what you think?" I ask Sungchan. "You should curl your hair, and maybe a darker tint of lipstick." He tells me. "What? It's a party you should go crazy for once."
We walked into the big house, loud music playing and everywhere people. Led lights making the room dimly lit. "Hey you got here!" I turn and smile once I see Chenle. "Hi." I greet him. "Great you're here, keep each other company I'm going to find Shotaro." Sungchan left me alone, we've been here for just a minute. "You want a drink?" Chenle asks. I was surprised, did he really think of drinking alcohol already? "There's non alcoholic drinks, we can drink those." I exhale in relief. "Sure." I walk with Chenle to the kitchen where we both got a simple cola.
"I heard somewhere that you like someone, is that true?" I choked on my drink. Chenle parting my back. "Sorry that's my fault, I shouldn't just ask such things." I shook my head. "It's fine. Um but yeah, I do like someone." I tell him. "Oh that's..." He couldn't finish his sentence. "That person is lucky." He tells me. "Chenle." He looks up to face me. "Do you like anyone? Like maybe someone in our class?" I ask. "You mean like the most beautiful girl I've ever seen who can make me feel butterflies and makes my heart beat faster every time she talks to me? Because yes."
"Wait really? So you like..." he interrupts me. "You. It's you, I can't hide it any longer I'm sorry. I gotta go." He wants to walk away but Sungchan, Shotaro and Jisung were standing at the doorway. "You're not leaving." Jisung tells him. "Turn around and let y/n speak." Chenle turns to face me again. "I can't believe you like me too!" I had a big smile on. "Wait do you mean you like me? I'm the guy you like?" He asks shocked. "Omg yes, just kiss and date!" Sungchan says. "Shhh, let them have their moment." Shotaro tells him. "So would you like to be my girlfriend?" I nod and smile. We hug each other tightly and Chenle placed a sweet and soft kiss on my cheek.
A/N: I want more of tiny Chenle, he's so adorable and fun and ugh this man is everything

NCT imagines & reactions
FanfictionNCT OT23 {requests: closed} Taeil Johnny Taeyong Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Shotaro Sungchan Chenle Jisung