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thank you for your patience!!

also rolling in the deep is a suggested song for this chapter. 

Harry Styles

"What time is it?" Niall asks, squinting up at the blistering sun like he could figure it out by its position in the sky. The black sunglasses stay perched on his nose, black hood up over his hair.

Louis looks down at his digital wristwatch, "4:29."

"Only sixteen minutes to get prepared." Liam drops the black duffel bag off his shoulder, squatting down to unzip it.

With my sunglasses on, I look up at the sun and squint. My skin was boiling under these black clothes. There was a gentle wind high up here on this roof, it made the heat a little easier but I was still sweating like a virgin in a sex shop.

"Let's get this shit over with..." Niall grumbles under his breath.

Niall's been in a....bitchy mood today. He was fine in the morning when we were all having breakfast but after that, something just flipped. I have barely talked to him today, considering I was out trying to meet with Malikai for a good portion of that afternoon. Ever since I got back and we left for this robbery, he's just been very off. He doesn't look at me, and when he does it's a look of stone. I didn't do anything, so maybe he's just being hit by a hangover.

Today is a robbery, not a bank robbery, but a museum robbery. I guess it's more of a heist. The four of us just got on the rooftop of the museum, and what we had to do wasn't going to be easy. Being broad daylight, this was going to be tough.

But the museum is closed today, giving us easier access to get in and get out.

We had to steal some priceless ring—Liam usually had all the details from Malikai, I just simply show up. Stealing jewelry was very James Bond meets Oceans 8 of us. I much preferred robbing banks but like usual, who cares what I think? Stealing a ring sounds easier than a mountain of cash, but nothing was ever as good as it seems.

What makes this so difficult is that one of us has to propel down through a skylight window by a cable and a harness. It wasn't going to be simple, especially considering we haven't discussed who's the unlucky bitch that has to actually dangle down into the building. We just needed one. The other three just have to keep the suspension rope under control and make sure that person gets back up alright.

So now here we were, the four of us standing on a roof in matching black hoodies with black bandanas tied around our necks for when we have to pull them up on our noses. We all had sunglasses on too, it was kinda stupid how we weren't doing this at night.

We all were circled around one rectangle skylight, the four of us dressed in our all-black apparel. We even had black latex gloves on, that's how officiant we are. This rooftop was multiple stories in the air so nothing but a helicopter could see us. Let's just pray there wasn't one passing anytime soon.

Aven was down in the locked car a couple of blocks away, sat patiently in the driver's seat with a running engine. She wasn't going to drive getaway, only if things go terribly bad and we don't have time to switch seats. That's never happened before though. I left her with a weapon she can use to defend herself if she gets approached, but no one should be able to get in the car.

"Alright boys, let's get a move on." Liam starts unloading the duffle bag jam-packed full of items for this process; a black harness, a suspension machine, a laptop, drill, a handheld glass cutter, cables, etc. "So we crack open this skylight window, suspend one of you down into the building which will be right over a giant glass box full of multiple priceless pieces. That person will use the glass cutter to cut a human-sized hole through the top of the box so they can further slide into it, taking the ring and being pulled back out."

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