Ranboo's bullies part 1.5 (Ranboo)

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TW: Crying, sad Ranboo, Panic attacks, gore, blood, self harm, angst!

This was suggested by @kittycutelove I think was the username.

Ranboo's POV
I've been stressed lately from what happened a while back. My whole school turned against me and then- my family set it on fire (I'm not surprised.)

I haven't got any major bruises but I have a cut up my left leg which kind of hurts to walk on. I haven't told any of my family that though, I don't want to bother them.

I had started to have more panic attacks lately- in the mornings when I wake up, at my new school (people still don't really talk to me, which is better than before) and I get them randomly sometimes. I had a really bad one a few days ago.

// (flashback involves panic attacks)

Tubbo's POV
Ranboo was staying at my house because we're really good friends. He insisted to sleep on the couch for some reason, so I let him. At about.. 5am? I woke up because I was hungry- I'm so
Glad that I woke up.

I walked down the stairs to see Ranboo. Not sleeping, but on the floor. Crying.

He had his hands over his ears and his knees cuddled up to his chest.

"Oh my- Ranboo what happened?!" I screamed and ran down to him.

I sat down and put my arm on his shoulder.

"Just breathe Ranboo, everything will be okay. I'm here. Nothing can hurt you."

His breathing started to calm down. He was still crying, but he put his arms around me. (AGAIN NOTTTTTTT A SHIP!)

We cuddled until 11am. That's when I took him home, but he wouldn't let me tell his dad that he'd had a panic attack.

// (end of flashback)

Ranboo's POV
I decided that I'd had enough. I needed to tell someone. Anyone, but it'd probably be smart to tell my dad.

"H-hey, dad..?" I tapped his arm to get his attention.

"Yes, Ranboo?" I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one who calls him dad to his face, but we all call him dad when he's not here.

"I-I feel like I should tell you something.." I was stuck on words. I didn't want to bother him or anything. I started to breathe funny, but I calmed it down. If I realise that I'm about to have a panic attack, I can calm it down. If I don't know that I'm having a panic attack, I can't stop it.

"Oh, of course, let's sit down shall we?" He replied. He has a kind heart. "So what do you want to tell me?"

"I-I.. I've been having.." I took a deep breath. "I've been having p-panic attacks recently. A lot. Every morning, when something scares me, at Tubbo's house.."

"O-oh dear.." he sounded disappointed like he'd had enough of me but it was too soon to tell, "you should've told me earlier! I could've helped you." That took me by surprise.

"I'm sorry.."

"You don't need to be sorry! Now I can help you! But what.. oh! What about a dog..?"

I gasped. I'd always wanted a pet.

"R-really?!" I shouted out, loud enough to get the attention of Sapnap, Dream and Technoblade.

"What's happening?! Ranboo just screamed so it's gotta be a big deal!" Dream barged through the door along with Sapnap and Technoblade.

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