Enderman (Ranboo)

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Anyway, this is how the SBI met Ranboo.

TW: kinda blood but not really, swearing

This is such a short story and it barely makes sense but you get it.

3rd POV (which means nobody if you didn't know)

Technoblade and Ph1lzA were out hunting. They had decided that they wanted to go out for fun to 'bond'. Technoblade was off fighting orphan-looking things.

"Technoblade where the hell'd ya go?" Phil said. (PLEASE IGNORE THE STUPID WAY I WRITE LMAO)

He walked forward and heard an enderman noise, but more high pitch. He turned around and saw a small enderman.

"OH- FUCK!" Philza shouted and hit the enderman. His right eye had a purple scar down it. He pulled out his sword and swung it up.

"Wait- PHIL!" Technoblade ran in front of the small enderman boy.


"This enderman... is a kid! Can you get kid enderman?!" Technoblade looked at him. The small figure had his eyes shut and his arms around his legs.

"They're pretty rare but not impossible."


"No, Techno. Why didn't he attack me back?" Phil questioned.

"Maybe because he's an ORPHAN!" Technoblade obviously wanted to kill him.

"Technoblade, not every child is an orphan. I feel bad now for attacking him!"

"Phil... the voices..."

"The voices?" Phil knew about the voices, but he didn't really understand.

"This kid..."



Kidding lmao he didn't say that

"He's not gonna hurt us. They say that the other enderman hurt him. The purple stuff on his face is blood to them."

They both looked at him and he was covered in purple marks. Phil bent down in front of him.

"Hey lil guy..." the enderman looked up slightly before backing up.

"Hey, it's okay. I won't hurt you!" Ph1lzA hold his hand out, gesturing for the boy to come closer.

"Phil I want a brother."

"That's so ran-"

"BOO!" Wilbur and Tommy came up behind them.

"Ranboo... OK THAT'S HIS NAME NOW." Philza shouted.

"Why?" Technoblade asked.


The end lmao

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