The government isnt allowed here. (Sbi, Tubbo + Ranboo)

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Note- this is really sad :(

Heyyy, I'm tired because it's midnight, so some of this might be really bad sorry

TW- Gore, swearing

3rd POV

Tubbo arrived at Techno's house, blind and alone. He sighed and tried to sense what he could hear.

"Tubbo?" He heard a voice say.

"Who are you?" Tubbo replied.

"I-it's Tommy... are you- blind?" Tommy asked, shocked.

"Yeah... when Techno executed me, I ended up going blind. I didn't get to tell him." Tubbo sighed.

Tommy turned around and realised that Ranboo was watching from behind the house.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Philza asked. "Government isn't welcomed here."

Philza stood next to him and stared him into his eyes. His pale, ghost-like eyes.

"Who are you?!" Tubbo yelled.

"It's me, Phil. Why the fuck are you here?" He asked.

"I came to talk to Tommy." Tubbo put his hand out and Tommy grabbed it.

"Tubbo, you shouldn't be here. How did you even get here? You're blind." Tommy asked.

"I have other senses, you know." Tubbo laughed.

"Tommy, come home. To L'manburg! It's not the same without you."

"The fuck?" Wilbur asked, walking out with Techno.

"Tommy, you don't want to go back with him. He exiled you, remember?" Techno mumbled.

"Tubbo, I'm sorry. But I am home now. L'manburg means nothing to me." Tommy began to walk away.

"So you're just going to leave all of us behind?!" Tubbo yelled.

"Shut up! Government is not welcomed here." Techno turned to face him.

Before he knew it, Tubbo felt a sharp pain pierce through his arm.

"A-AGH!" Tubbo cried and fell to the floor.

He felt someone grab him and hug him.

"RANBOO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! That was a warning shot! He deserves it." Techno screamed.

"You... YOU SHOT MY FUCKING HUSBAND!" Ranboo cried, purple stains became clear on his face.

"Husband?!" Wilbur thought.

"Oh my-" Phil began.

"Tubbo..." Tommy mumbled.

"No. Screw you all! He didn't deserve that. He did what was he thought was best for his country. You've all made mistakes. Wilbur blew up a country, Phil shot his son, Techno fucking executed Tubbo and Tommy did this! You can't forgive Tubbo for a simple mistake?!" Ranboo yelled.

"Ranboo, it hurts." Tubbo whispered.

"It's okay. Let's go see your Quackity and Slimecicle, maybe they can help." Ranboo picked him up and began to walk away, not turning back.

"YOU CAN'T LEAVE, RANBOO!" Techno shouted after him.



Ranboo continued to walk around L'manburg, searching. He held Tubbo tight in his arms, trying to stop the blood flow. He knocked on Quackity's door and it opened automatically.

"Quackity?!" Ranboo yelled.

"Hi! He's not here right now, what do you need? I'm sure I can help with my slime!" Slimecicle asked, emerging from the staircase, followed by Karl and Sapnap.

"You need to help me. Please, I'll do anything." Ranboo sobbed.

"What's wrong? Wait- who's that?" Karl asked.

"Ranboo, it hurts... where are we..." Tubbo mumbled.

"Don't worry, Tubs. I'm here, we aren't anywhere dangerous. We're away from Techno now."

"What the fuck happened?!" Sapnap yelled, staring at the arrow in Tubbo's arm.

"S-Sapnap? Ranboo, where are we?" Tubbo asked, holding on to Ranboo.

"Let me help him. Don't worry, he'll be okay with me. Slimecicle and Sapnap will keep you company." Karl said gently.

"Fine, don't be to rough." Ranboo muttered.

"Hey, Tubbo. Do you think you could get up for me, honey?" Karl asked.

"I'll try."

Tubbo stood on one leg, but when he put the other down, stumbled a little. Karl put his arm around him.

"Thank you, good job! You did very well."

Karl's POV
I walked him out of the room, into the infirmary. (Idgaf if that's not the correct word, it's midnight)

"Can you lay down on the bed for me, please?" I asked.

"Sorry, I'm blind." Tubbo mumbled. He was blind?!

"Oh my- I'm so sorry! Don't worry, I'll help." I guided him over to the bed and laid him down. I checked his arm and put a bandage over it.

I told Ranboo to stay out, but Sapnap to come in. It would've been too much for Ranboo, but Tubbo needed comfort when I pulled the arrow out.

Sapnap's POV
Tubbo was sort of like a little brother to me. I didn't want to see them in pain, but I wanted to help him.

"Tubbo, hold Sapnap's hand, okay? This won't hurt too much, I promise." Karl whispered and pored some gel over the wound.

"Don't worry, Tubbo." I mumbled- I'm not that good at comforting.

"Okay..." Tubbo said.

Karl began to pull slowly and Tubbo immediately put his head face first onto the bed. Karl began to pull more and Tubbo grasped onto my hand harder.

"It's okay, Tubbo! You're doing amazing!" I said, but I could barely watch without throwing up.

"IT HURTS!" Tubbo yelled. "FUCK!"

"Don't worry Tubbo! It's okay! It's over now." Karl sighed. "Wait, the potion didn't work."

The potion? I looked down at the bottle. It was the potion that healed the wound.

If that didn't work, it would grow.

He'd have to get his arm... cut off?

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