A man, part 2 (Fundy and Wilbur)

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"H-hey, Ghostbur?"

"Yes, son?" 

"I-I'm going to see Eret tomorrow...I need you to sign some papers."

"What? Eret? Why?"

"I... well, we was discussing and... I brought up how you were a ghost and w-well... Eret offered to adopt me. After a lot of thought, I decided to say yes."

"What? You're MY son."

"Not anymore. Please, sign the papers."

"I can't believe this. ERET BETRAYED ME! BETRAYED US!"


"...fine. I'll sign the papers. We can't have any contact after this."

"So we can't be friends?"

"Goodbye, Fundy."

A few months later...

Fundy's POV

I sighed and looked up to the sky, glistening with small, bright lights. I slowly looked back down at my watch. 11:30 PM.

I had been waiting for 3 and 1/2 (a half/30 minutes if you can't read that) hours. Where was he?

I pulled out my phone and decided to text Ghostbur.


Ghostbur 💔


Ghostbur 💔
What happened too
no communication?

We need to meet.
Ghostbur 💔
Ok! I just grabbed
some blue, so I feel
better now :)


I texted him where we needed to meet up and began my journey. As I walked, I tried to think of something good that has happened to me.

Everyone else has friends they can talk to about anything they want. They all get along so well. Even Ghostbur hates me and he likes everyone.

I stopped and glanced up at the see-through, grey figure I saw.

"What do you want?" He asked me bitterly.

"E-Eret didn't show up..." I said. I felt exposed.

"Why do I care?"

"Let me explain," I took a deep breath. "The only reason I did any of that was because of what YOU did when you were alive. You ABANDONED me as a child and blew up my home. I get that you're different now, but every time I see you, I see him..." I felt tears dripping down my cheeks.

"NOTHING good has EVER happened to me! Everyone is SOOO happy with their friends and new homes and YOU! What about me?! Everyone LEFT ME BEHIND! EVEN YOU HATE ME! YOU LOVE EVERYONE!" I screamed. I felt myself drop to the floor. I looked up and made eye contact with a pitiful ghost that I had once called my father.

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