Claustraphobic (Tommy)

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Kind of stuck on a name idea 😅 I had this idea a while ago so enjoy!!

In this au, they all kinda get along. As in Dream isnt in prison ect

Tw: blood, claustrophobia (if that's the word), sad Tommy, swearing

3rd POV
Tommy decided to go mining because he was running out of ores. He had been mining for about 7 hours STRAIGHT and he was so tired. He decided that he should go back. He walked back the way he had came.

There was a block of gravel in his way, so he mind it. Big mistake.

It all fell around him. So much gravel. Luckily, none of it hit him. It just trapped him. His axe had broke, he hadn't brought a sword because he was strip mining and he had no other tools.
(If you don't know, Tommy is claustrophobic.)

                       Tommy's POV (short)
I couldn't breathe. It was closing in. I need to call someone. Anyone. Just pick up your phone and dial a number!

I grabbed my phone and pulled it out of my pocket. Who to call? Who to call? I stopped when I found 'WilburSoot'. I pressed his name and listened to the ringing.

                        Wilbur's POV
I was at a meeting with Quackity, Shlatt, Tubbo, Dream, George, Sapnap, Bbh, Skeppy, Ph1lzA and Technoblade. (Don't ask why.)

Incoming call from gremlin child 🤪🤪

"Sorry, Tommy's calling me. Can I take this?" I asked.

"What is he, 5? Fine." Shlatt responded.

"Put it on speaker!!" Quackity shouted for some reason.

"Hey Toms, you're on speaker." I said when I pressed accept.

"W-who is th-there w-with y-you.." he asked stuttering a lot.

"Umm, you okay dude? Remember I told you there was a meeting. Everyone I said there." I asked worriedly.

"Wh-when you're done, c-can you come and get m-me..?" He asked quietly.

"WHERE ARE YOU? Ya stuck under ya bed again?" Technoblade laughed.

"Not again!" Tubbo mumbled.

"N-no, nothing like that... W-Wilbur, c-can you just message me when you're done..?" He didn't even reply with a 'shut up' or anything.

"Just tell me, where are you?" I asked, curious.

"I-I'm stuck underground. 2 blocks... I mined gravel and l-loads fell down..."

"BAHA! HOW'D YOU DO THAT DUMBASS?!" Dream laughed like a tea kettle. Everyone started laughing.

"Ha, yeah. C-can you get me when you're done p-please..." fake laugh AND he said please.

"Fine, send me your cords." I finally answered, still half laughing.

"O-okay, bye Will.." he said and then left the call.

"What's wrong with him?" George asked.

"Guys.. isn't he c-claustrophobic?!" Bad shouted from across the table.


"Will, we're not finished." Shlatt grabbed my arm. I pushed him. Everyone gasped.

"MY FUCKING LITTLE BROTHER IS TRAPPED UNDERGROUND! I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU FUCKING SAY, I NEED TO SAVE HIM!" I screamed at him, running off because I didn't need to hear the answer. Everyone else just stood there in shock.

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