Chapter Eight

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Hi lovelies, so in this chapter you kinda understand what made Mia go all sparkle. There's an explanation about the physical and mental abuse that she has suffered, and also sexual abuse. If you are sensitive to it please just stop reading at the first x and start again at the second x. Thank you guys for reading ❤ 

Hope you're enjoying the book, love you guys! Cephxx


We brought the food and drinks back to mine and Aly's room, I put her sat in between my legs as I sat down on the bed and motioned for the girls to sit on the bed too.

I opened an applesauce pot for babies for Aly and started to feed her. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to tell them the whole story, my whole story and why I broke down the way I did.

"So, as you have seen Wanda, I haven't had the best of times..." I let out a nervous chuckle,               "I had a pretty happy life until Roy came into the picture. When mom was still alive and she was working, he used to beat me here and there, most of the time he would take his belt out and just beat my back with it, it would leave some marks and I wouldn't be able to even sleep on my back or even take a shower, because it stung too much. I don't know why but I never had the courage to say anything to my mom." I sighed, watching Aly laugh oblivious of our conversation and spitting out half of the applesauce, which made me smile a bit as I looked at Nat and Wanda, they had sorry looks and they were full of concerns.

"He would threaten to do something to Aly or my mom if I ever was to talk about this to anyone, so I would just shut up and endure, as long as they were safe I couldn't care less about myself. Then when my mom died, Roy had gotten even more drunk one night, he called out my name but I was sleeping so I didn't hear him, I just heard my door swing open and Roy come in-" I sighed, the memories of that night haunting the hell out of me. 


"He hummed, and he sat on my bed looking at me and started to caress my legs, and went up high, I started to push him away and scream, but who would hear me beside Aly. He told me that if I would comply it wouldn't hurt." I said looking down at Aly and starting to feel the tears come up and I let out a small sob, 

"Hun, don't go on if you can't it's fine we understand." said Nat, as I looked at Wanda, who also had tears in her eyes.

"I didn't know what to do, I tried punching him, I threw my fist and my feet at him and it didn't do anything, he forced himself on me and abused me the whole night, again and again and again, at one point he took a rope and just tied my hands together at the head of the bed, so I wouldn't bother try to get him off me, or try to hit him, I just remember blacking out at some point and not remembering a thing. The next morning I was still tied up, I had bruises and marks all over my body." I tell them still looking at the scars I have on my wrists, scars I always try to cover.


"Fortunately, after that night he never touched me again, I guess he himself thought it was too low, but he kept on beating me up, and one day he even cut me with his knife in one of his crazy moment." I tell them, lifting my shirt up and showing the the scar I had on my right side going to my back, and other scars I had from the beating up.

"So that's the story and that's what you saw Wanda." I look at them, as I didn't even realise I was crying my eyes out, and that Nat had put Aly in her crib.

"You are so strong." said Nat a lump in her throat, and giving me a hug and Wanda joined in.

"I am so happy, to be out of this house, and here with you guys, have a new family and have a new place, I do not need to be scared anymore." I tell them a small smile on my face and wiping a tear away.

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