Chapter 24

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After the movie night and all the talking we did, I once again realised how happy I am to be here and to have found a family like them. Peter is really really sweet and we get along pretty well, maybe it's because we are the closest in age, I don't know but he's an amazing friend.

I had put Aly in day care early this morning, I was going to the training room, I really wanted to try and see what my powers could do, I had a feeling they could do way more than what I already knew of them. The rush of letting my powers out, was as if someone was just injecting me adrenaline in my veins, my intentions were cut short when Sam entered the training room.

"Do you mind if I join you?" he asked me, a small smirk on his face,

"No not at all, c'mon, do you want to train with me?" I asked him smiling, it was 7.30 I didn't expect anyone to be up so early, 

"As long as you don't do to me what you did to Bucky." he laughed playfully, my smile dropped a bit, remembering that I had to do it because Bucky wasn't in his normal state,

"Hey I was just kidding, don't stay like that." I gave him a faint smile and he came towards me,

"So what about general fighting, no powers, imagine something happens where you're in a place where you can't use them, you will have to fight with the only thing you have left, which are those really cute fists and knuckles of yours." he laughed a bit and I looked down on my hands I had quiet petite hands and all but still, he should know better than to judge by the cover.

"Fair, but I am warning you the small girly fists and knuckles of mine can be deadly, I already trained with Nat remember?" I said waving my hands in fists in the air and laughing a bit, he laughed a bit and threw a roll of bandage to cover my knuckles and hands before fighting. I wrapped them up and looked over at him. 

"By the way, if it's to, you know, train a bit, I am not supposed to punch you with my whole strength right? I mean it's just an 'exercise'." I said, my fingers air quoting the 'exercise' part. 

"Well, we need to put ourselves in real situations and real kind of danger I obviously won't go full on beast mode on you but I won't be kind either, okay?" he asked trying to see if I was agreeing to his words.

"Sure, sounds good to me, if I hurt you too much just say "Quidditch" okay?" I told him, he laughed at himself probably making fun of me for thinking I could hurt him, but he nodded,

"Okay, c'mon let's do this." he said and took a fighting position, as I did the same remembering what Nat had taught me. He came onto me like I wanted him to, when your opponent comes onto you, you are more likely to understand their patterns when they fight.

It's just like a dance, a waltz one two three one two three, same goes for a fight, as he tried to punch me I dodged and I lowered myself punching him in the gut as I straightened myself up once I was behind him.

"Okay now, how did you do that this fast?" he asked smiling impressed, and I just shrugged, Nat made me learn the hard way that a compliment can be a easy way to distract you, so I am not giving him a chance to distract me even if he was just being nice.

"I see you are not a easy one to distract." he said as we were walking in circle and he made a move but retracted himself, making me flinch,

"Ah I saw you flinch." I didn't say anything and took advantage of his distraction to fake punching him in the face and actually foot swept him causing him to fall flat on his bum, my forehead already dripping in sweat, 

"No way you also know about martial arts." he said getting up, 

"Ju-jitsu." I said winking at him, I was proud of myself I was waiting for an opportunity like that where I could just sweep a man off his feet, get it? Anyway, he continued fighting one another, and he eventually got to punch me in my gut, which wasn't as bad as I thought but again he probably went easy on me. After what felt like hours, we decided it was time to stop and we went to sit on the really comfortable bench that sits at the entrance of the training room and I drank half of my water in seconds. 

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