Chapter 2.

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Demi's POV

Dinner was going pretty smoothly, we are now having desert and catching up on what's been happening in each others lives and future plans, until I felt the urge  to use the bathroom.

"Guys I'll be right back  I need to use the bathroom." I say excusing myself. They both nod and I walk away into the direction of the bathroom.

I get there and do my business, wash my hands and exit. Making my way back into the dining area I bump into a hard chest stumbling back a little.

"I am so sorry." We apologize simultaneously.

I look up to see Odell Beckham an old friend of mine that I'd lost touch with over the years.

"Hi Demi." he greets me with a smile and I reciprocate it while leaning in for a hug.

"Hey Odell! long time no see." I say as he arms wrap around my shoulder and I his torso. He smells really good I think to myself. 

"How've you been? I haven't seen you in forever." He says pulling away and I shudder slightly at the loss of contact.

Okay demetria calm down, you're doing too much.

"I've been doing good, how are you?" I ask as we start a small conversation in the middle of the hallway.

"It was really nice seeing you again Demi. I wouldn't mind seeing you again though, maybe in a different setting that this." He suggests and I nod.

"I'd love to see you again so we can catch up." I smile up at him. We exchange numbers and hug one last time and I head back to my friends that I completely forgot about.


"What took you so long? For a second I thought you ditched us." Lauren jokes as I sit down.

"I'm sorry I ran into an old friend and we were catching up." I shrug.

"What old friend." Matt asks intrigued.

"It was Odell."

"You mean Odell Beckham, the footballer?" 

"Yes. Why?"

"Didn't you guys used to hook up back in the day?" I blush slightly remembering odell and I's previous encounters.

"Yes we did. What about it?" I try to say nonchalantly as if my mind weren't going places that it shouldn't in this present moment.

"Demi stop playing, you guys have to start talking again. I remember how much he liked you." Lauren chimed in.

"I don't know guys I already told you I don't want to get into anything with anyone."

"That's fine dems, just try talking to him. he was always cool to hang around." Matthew says as we get up to leave the table paying the bill and leaving a tip.

"You're right."

I have nothing to loose at this point, Odell has always been good company I don't see how  it would hurt to start talking to him again.

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