Chapter 59.

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Demi's POV

I hear quiet shuffling going on around me but I can't focus on it due to the thumping going through my head. When I open my eyes my vision is back to normal and I realize that I'm now in the living room laying on a couch with a soft pillow beneath my head. I try to sit up but I feel dizzy instantly and fall back down with a thud, I groan in pain when I feel my head start to pound harder. An ice pack is placed on my forehead, instantly relieving some of the pain I was feeling then Max stooped beside to give me some water from a straw.

"Thank you." I say after taking my final sip.

He places the cup on the coffee table then sits in the couch across from the one I'm in. "Sure thing. Are you okay?"

"No, this headache is a bitch. I feel like death."

He doesn't crack a smile or even chuckle a little like he usually does when say stuff like this, instead there is a sad expression on his face, the one I get when he see's that something is wrong with me and he's unable to do anything about it. Much like the times I was deep into my addiction or when I was loosing myself over a relationship.

I sit up properly this time. "I should have told you, what happened-"

"Its fine."

"No... No its not, I should have told you instead of running away. You've always been there for me through everything, it was stupid of me to even think that I could just move on like nothing happened." There are fresh tears running down my face when I'm finished.

"Were you ever going to say anything?"

I shrug, wiping my face dry with the sleeve of my shirt. "Maybe, I don't know, I'm so tired of being pitied and given that "I'm so sorry that happened to you" look from people anytime they hear about the shit that goes on in my life. If I had to give every single detail of all the bad things that have happened to me I'd be the queen of documentaries."

He chuckles at that and I smile. There's my Max.

"I can't imagine how hard this is for you, so it's okay that you wanted to keep this quiet. I just want you to be happy and safe." He says and I make my way over to give him a hug.

"Thanks Max, I love you."

"I love you too Demetria." He hugs me back tightly.

Our hug is interrupted by the sound of the doorbell going off along with a series of rushed knocks. I look at Max confused and he gives me a guilty smile and gets up to answer the door.

I follow him. "Who's here?"

"I tried telling them no, but you know how relentless they can be..."

He opens the door to reveal Matthew and Lauren with worried looks on their faces. They look relieved when they see me behind Max, they both rush inside and hug me tightly. I relax into the embrace as I take in the familiar feeling, I really missed my them.

"We got here as soon as we could." Matt says first getting out of the hug.

"How are you?" Lauren asks after.

"I'm fine guys, you didn't have to come here."

"Are you kidding? Our best friend is going through a scandal and you expect us to sit back and watch. Have you met us?" Matthew goes on playfully as we enter the living room.

"Well thank you for being here. I missed you both so much."

"Max mentioned that it would be better if you stayed here instead of a hotel, so we thought you could use some company to take your mind off everything." Lauren says sweetly as she gets comfortable on the couch next to Matthew

"I appreciate that. Make yourself at home, I need to talk to Scooter to make sure I still have a job." I turn to Max who hands me my phone that was vibrating with notifications.

I sigh watching the screen fill up with people wishing me their best, tagging me in articles about the sentencing, some of their takes on what they think went down and a bunch of other negative comments from twitter that I don't bother reading. I turn my notifications off then go to check my messages.

From: Scooter Braun
~I hope you got home safely and are okay. Don't worry the building has been cleared and no one was hurt.
~I don't expect to know everything about my clients nor do I expect you share every detail of your life with me, but things like this can not be kept from me Demi, if I'm not aware then I can't keep you safe or protect you the way you should be. I'm here to talk when your ready.

From: Dad
Missed calls (3)
~Please pick up your phone doll, we need to talk.

From: Mads❤️
Missed calls (2)
~Wtf is going on?? Mom and dad are worried about you why??
~There are people calling to ask me why Dallas is in jail
~I don't understand what the fuck is going on

From: Mom
Missed calls (3)
~I know you're mad at me but please pick up your phone sweetheart.

From: Odell 🥰
Missed calls (5)
~Sweetness are you okay?
~Max isn't answering my calls. I'm worried about you.
~Please call me as soon as you can. I need to know that you're okay.

I reply to Scooter first apologizing for not letting him know sooner and saying we'll talk soon then I reassured Madison that I was fine and that I'll call them later. Moving into the next room, I call Odell and he picks up almost immediately.

Odell: Hey baby, are you okay?

Me: Yes, I just passed out for a bit other than that I'm good.

Odell: Good- what? Why did you pass out?

Me: I was feeling overwhelmed with how everything came at me all at once, one second I'm fine and the next I'm bombarded with paparazzi. I wish I could have at least prepared myself for this.

Odell: I'm sorry sweetness, it's my fault. I knew the sentencing was coming up this week and I tried to do everything to keep your mind off it. I thought I was helping.

Me: Don't be sorry, I would have been a nervous reck the entire week if I had remembered. You were just taking care of me.

Odell: I can't wait for you to be back here with me, I miss you.

Me: I can't wait to come home. I miss you-

Odell: Did you just say home? You consider this your home now.

Me: Well yeah, I consider wherever I'm with you home. You're my safe place.

Odell: Have I ever told you how much I love you?

Me: Yes, but I could use a reminder.

We continue talking until he had to go out to meet up with his friends, I went back into the living room to see that my friends had ordered take out and had my favorite show on. The rest of the night ended like that with us eating, talking and watching Tv by the time I fell asleep I was a bit more relaxed and I was able to go through the night. I left LA a few days after that with Max because he was adamant that he came with me, I didn't mind though I missed having him around. When I arrived in Cleveland it was more quiet than LA because the news had died down and Scooter being the genius that he is created a distraction and got the public to talk about something else. It was barely brought up again which worked perfectly in my favor because it is the last thing I ever want to think about.

Updates are going to take a littleee bit longer because I have exams. Bear with me friends.

(Thanks for reading <3)

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